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                      Selena's POV

            "Demi, are you ready?" I shouted, running my fingers through my hair.

I was waiting for Demi to finish up her make up, and deciding that tonight is the night that I am going to confess my feelings to her, tell her that I am in love with her since the first day we meet, well.. not really, I was only 6, but in my teenage years I grew stronger feelings for her and in that moment I knew that I was in love with my best friend.

                        It's unbelieveable really, I've never thought I'd fall in love with a girl, not just any other girl. My best friend. The first time I knew I was in love with her was when she touched me, sparks flew through my body, sounds cliche I know, but when you think about it. It's like you are loved, like you're worth to be on this earth.                  

                        The feeling she gives me, i could never put a finger on it, butterflies erupting my stomach and when she makes me happy, and when she's here for me, give me advice and listen to what i'd have to say, like no one is, makes me feel worthy.

                      I sometimes think that, what if she doesn't love me back? As much as I love her, the feeling isn't mutual, but hoping too much isn't really the best way to make things happen.

                     "Selena, babe? You okay?" A soft voice interuppted my thoughts, a voice that belonged to the person that I adore, the person that made me feel i'm on cloud nine.

                              I shook my head lightly before giving her a reassuring smile, telling her that I was fine. 

"I'm okay. Ready?"

                    I asked nicely, looking at her lovingly. I roamed my eyes down her body slowly, admiring what she was wearing. She looked absolutely gorgeous, red tight short dress, fitting her curvy yet sexy body. Her pink short hair is in a loss curls, red bright lipstick on his lips, kissable lips. She was wearing black heels, that went along with the red dress, making her tall.

                 She nodded her head and blushed, knowing all too well that she knew I was checking her out. I was wearing a black lace dress that came to a stop from my knees, with blue high heels and my hair in a side messy fishtail.

               I smirked and when Demi turned aroud to head to the door, i slapped her ass, causing her to quietly squeal and jump up. I giggled and grabbed my phone and wallet, along with my car keys.

                Demi was about to open the door, but  i stopped her midway and grabbed onto her arm. "Wait, but first let me take a selfie." I laughed to myself, i heard her cute laugh, my heart fluttering at the sound.

                She nodded her head and walked to my side, I let go of her arm and wrapped my arm around her waist, my other unlocking my phone. I tapped the camera and moved closer to Demi, smiling.

                 I pulled my arm out with my phone in my hand, i pulled Demi closer, smiling at her before looking at the camera. "Say Selena and Demi are hot!" I said cheerly

                      "Selena and Demi are hot!" We said in unison and I tapped the camera button, moments later we did silly faces and checked the photo, my arm still wrapped around her waist.

                     We softly laughed at the ones that were funny and ugly at the same time, i swipped the screen and stopped at the first photo we took and my eyes widened and my smile becoming bigger.

                          The photo looked like we were realy couples, but instead of a boy and a girl in the photo, it was two girls, known as Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. My eyes wouldn't leave the screen and I'm starting to think that I am so in love in love with her that it's not even funny. 

                        The photo was gorgeous I'd have to admit, i loved it. 

                      Shaking my head lightly and finally came back into reality, I made the photo into my lockscreen and smiled.

                                After I was done, I looked towards Demi, smiling "Ready?" I asked

                             "Ready, as always." she smiled.

                             I noticed that I still had my arm wrapped around her, quickly letting go on her waist, I opened the door, stepping a side and nodding at her "Ladies first" I giggled.

                           She laughed cutely "Well, thank you" and stepped outside the door, with me following behind.

                             I closed the front door and locked it as well, turning around and sighed soflty as the warm breeze kissed my face. I headed towards my black Range Rover that was parked outside, i glanced at Demi who was standing patiently, looking around. I cooed at the sight infront of me quietly, walking over to the driver side.

                             I unlocked the car, hearing the door click, I opened the door and hopped in. I put the car key into the engine and the car sparked to life. I looked over at Demi who was bluckling her seatbelt in, I did mine after watching her do it.

                         I let out a sigh and turned to Demi, "Ready?" I asked for the millionth time.

                   "Ready" she repeated, a wide smile upon her face. I smiled back at her and nodded, starting driving to the fancy Italian Restaurant.






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