"never ever"

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"Adam would you please pay attention? This is your grade not mine." I grumbled trying to get him to quit messing around with the hockey stick and listen.

"And Adam Banks makes yet another goal this season! And the crowd goes wild!" He cupped
his hands around his mouth and made a noise resembling a cheering crowd.

"Adam your homework." I tapped the pencil over his paper that was filled with square roots and formulas.

"And what's this? Adam's girlfriend Ella walks onto the ice-" I threw the pencil at him, making him stop to catch it.

"Hey sporto how about you finish this hhm? I think that sounds fun."

He pouted but walked over to me. "You're no fun."

I grinned. "That sure sounds like me."

My head snapped up at the sound of a duck call. It was the team.

"Hey cake-eaters how bout we play some real hockey!" Charlie called.

Adam didn't even hesitate. "Yeah!" His voiced cracked and I couldn't help but to notice how adorable he sounded.

He already had his rollerblades on and I scrambled to tie the laces on mine. I hopped off Adam's front stoop and joined in with the group. Charlie explained to us what was going on. The Junior Olympic Games. Holy.

"Guys, it's an international competition. It's us against the world!" Adam exclaimed.

"Hey man bring em on. We're ready!" Goldberg boasted before tripped and rolling all the way down a hill, crashing someone's pleasant picnic.

We kept on skating on our way back to the Ice shop. Jesse was in front showing off some spin moves, go figure. We cut through the park and almost right away I heard yelling. We all turned our heads to see three Hawks tied to a tree in only underwear. Standing next to them was a pleased looking Fulton. "That'll teach them to mess with the Ducks!" He laughed.

We all cheered. I was very happy to see my old teammates tied to a tree like that. We skated past them, of course leaving them there to escape. I made my way over to McGill. "Pretty bruise you got there." I tapped his cheek and laughed, remembering the beating I had given him a few months ago.

He growled and struggled to break free. I waved goodbye and skated away.

A few blocks later Charlie blew his Duck whistle and Coach came into view. He turned around and we all circled him chanting "Coach, Coach, Coach!"

"Hey Ducks I missed you guys! Are you ready to fly?" Who could say no to that?

Our cheering was cut short by the honking of a limo. I didn't know anyone who drove a limo. A funny looking guy popped his head out of the top. "Hey, guys! i'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix Hockey Apparel. We're your official sponsors. Anybody want a card?"

Everyone rushed over to the limo to grab a card. I didn't. What good would his business card do me?


The next day I woke up bright and early to be dropped off at the airport. My parents both came with to wish me luck. Unfortunately the tickets cost to much for them to go to any of the games, but I was promised I'd have a large cheering squad back home.

I walked into the main boarding area and was immediately greeted by Adam.

"Are you excited Ella?"

"For the games yes. But for flying, not so much. I've never actually been on a plane before."


"Never ever."

"Well don't worry." Adam struck a heroic pose. "If you're flying with me, I won't let you die." He added a wink.

"Wow you're a real charmer. I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend yet." I smirked.

"Hey wait a minute! Yes I do!"

Flight B32 is now boarding

I hurriedly grabbed my suitcase and hustled onto the plane. I was sitting next to Adam and Goldberg. He was already in the seat with a face mask on and his feet propped up.

"Ah Goldberg? Do you mind?" I pointed to the seat next to him and he groaned.

"Really Ella? I had just fallen asleep." He held his legs to the side allowing me just enough room to squeeze myself through. He had just settled back down when Adam appeared. "Aggggh!" Goldberg exclaimed, shifting his legs once more for Adam.

He took a seat next to me and smiled. "I am so ready for LA Ella. Check it." Adam slipped on some sunglasses and a beach hat.

"Impressive. Not sure we'll be doing much tanning but hey better safe than sorry right?"

Adam shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his seat, awaiting takeoff.

The plane started to move and I grabbed Adam's wrist that was conveniently resting next to me. He shook his head and held my hand instead. I felt dumb being scared of this but I felt a little better when I saw Charlie fight off a crying Averman that was trying desperately to hold onto him. At least I wasn't the only one.

The rest of the plane ride was a breeze. It was a smooth ride, other than slight turbulence that made me wake up a sleeping Adam by grabbing his wrist again.

When the plane finally landed, I bounded off onto solid ground. Mr. Tibbles was already there with a bus waiting outside to escort us to the hotels.

It was a big hotel for sure. I assume all of the teams were staying there. I was placed in a room with Connie and a girl named Julie. We were told she was arriving tomorrow. Hopefully she was nice.

Adam with right down the hall, paired with Charlie and Guy.

It was only 4pm by the time we got there but Connie and I stayed in the room and watched movies. We ordered a pizza, which of course the boys came in and stole most of.

I went to bed around 9 ready for whatever tomorrow brought. Hopefully I was up for the challenge.


Hey wassup again! So I added an airport scene in because I always wished for one in the movie! So as I'm sure you can tell by the title and summary of this book, there will be heartbreak for both Ella and Adam. So keep reading, voting and commenting for more!!

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