"everybody freeze"

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"Ella." A quiet voice woke me from my peaceful slumber and I groaned.


I screamed and fell out of bed. A giggling Connie stood next to me.

"Holy crap Connie you scared the piss outta me! What time is it?"

"Only 8:25. A whole 5 minutes before we're supposed to be down eating breakfast."

I leaped up and ran into the bathroom. I could not be late for anything on our first day in LA. I grabbed my toothbrush and combed my hair at the same time. After all I was the queen of multi tasking. I left my hair down in its natural waves and applied a bit of mascara. That's all I needed for now.

I opened up my suitcase revealing tons of clothes. I shifted through the piles, pulling out an old band T-shirt and Jean shorts. Converse sealed the outfit and I was out the door. 7 minutes. A new record for me.

I sighed at the thought of all the food being gone. All the boys got down there at least 15 minutes early and then fought their way through the line, grabbing as much food as their plates could carry. So I've heard.

I walked down the stairs of the hotel and was shocked to see how many people were crammed into the breakfast room. At least two other hockey teams were already there eating, along with us.

I made eye contact with Adam and he smile patting the seat next to him. I flashed a quick thumbs up and walked over to see what was left. Some Raisin Bran and hard boiled eggs that looked days old. No thank you.

I sighed and took my place next to Adam.

"So sweet cheeks how's your morning going?"

"Well considering I woke up late and have no food to eat, not super great."

"Well lucky for you, your super awesome boyfriend knew you were running late and grabbed you these." He slid a chocolate chip muffin and orange juice my way.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and began eating.


"So tell me about my new kids."

We were all standing in our hockey gear, eager to meet our new teammates. Connie stood next to me so we could observe and gossip together.

"That's Luis Mendoza." A really good looking guy skated ahead of the group and started to sprint up and down the rink. "He's from our Miami club. A real speedster. Incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line." Tibbles went on and on about Luis and I've got to say Adam was looking a bit shabby right about now.

"Good-lookin' skater." Coach commented.

"Very good-lookin'. What do you think, Guy?" Averman nudged Guy

"Shut up, Averman." Guy pushed Averman back and soon he was splattered on the floor.

"Oof!" Averman yelped.

"He has one minor problem." Our attention was averted back to Luis as he continued to do laps.

Suddenly he headed straight for a wall without stopping. He crashed against it. "Aah!"

" He has a little trouble stopping." Tibbles pursed his lips together.

"I'd say so." Coach agreed.

"Are you okay?" "Need some help?" The other newbies came over to Luis to help him up.

"Yeah. I'm all right. I almost had it that time." Luis sighed and we all laughed.

"Yee-haw! How is everyone!" A loud mouth Texan shouted happily. "Y'all ready to play some puck?"

"Hey, look." The boys said to themselves, "It's Hopalong Gretzky." That put them into a fit of laughter.

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