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"Did you all enjoy that?" 

A chorus of "Yeah's!" filled the locker room as the team stood around and talked about the last two periods. Coach had just walked in to get us ready for the end of the game against Iceland.

Coach got a stern look on his face. "So did they. Because they're still three points up and we're one period away from defeat."

This got us all to sit down and listen. 

Jesse stayed standing. "If we can't beat them we might as well keep our pride."

"Jesse, that's not pride. Sure, when Dwayne roped that big oaf, part of me cheered. But guys, I've been there. I know how you feel." Coach began walking around the room and looking at each of us. "I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors. And I really, really wanted to go after Stansson for that cheap shot. But you know what? My knee will heal. And if I become someone I'm not...if I sink to their level...well the I lost more than my knee. You understand?"

We all looked at one another and nodded.

Coach continued. "We're not goons. We're not bullies. No matter what people say or do, we have to be ourselves." He looked up and pointed at Dean. "You. Who are you?"

 "Dean Portman."

 "From where?"

 "Chicago, Illinois."

Coach pointed to someone else. "You."

 "Guy Germaine."

"From where?"

"From St. Paul, Minnesota."

He then turned and pointed at me. "Who are you?"

I smiled and stood. "Ella Silverton. Edina, Minnesota."

And before long, the entire team was standing, having announced their name and where they were from. 

"We're team USA, gathered from all across America. And we're gonna stick together, know why?"

From behind Coach, Jan stepped forward. "Because we are ducks. And ducks fly together."

"That's right Jan. And just when you think they're about to break apart?"

"Ducks fly together!" We all shouted.

 Ms McKay smiled and put her arm around Coach. "And when the wind blows hard and the sky is black?

"Ducks fly together!"

"When the roosters are crowing and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture?"

We all looked at Dwayne, confused on what that meant. 

"Um. Okay."

 "Ducks fly together!"

 "And when everyone says it can't be done. Ducks fly together." Coach looked at all of us with a proud look on his face. It reminded me of when we won the championship match against my old team, over a year ago. He had the same gleam in his eye. It made me happy.

Jan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.  "Now, new Ducks and old Ducks must unite under a new banner. And I thought perhaps something like this." He walked over to a stack of three boxes that were pushed against the wall.

When he opened them, inside were new Duck jerseys. I was thrilled to see my old #13. I gave the jersey a big and happy hug before sliding off my old one and putting it on. Jan had even gotten us some new pads and equipment.

Walking back into the rink, I felt like a badass. 

At our bench Coach led us all in quacking and a "Go ducks!" to top it all off. I skated back into the game, ready to win. 

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