"pretty big deal"

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I jumped a little in surprise, and turned my head to see Dean standing in the locker  room doorway.

"What happened?"

This only caused me to start crying all over again. It was super embarrassing to have a meltdown in front of a teammate, but I don't think I could stop crying even if I tried.

Dean walked in and stood in front of me for a moment. I looked up at him and he slowly wrapped his arms around me. It was a very comforting gesture, and he held me like that for a few minutes and let me cry into his chest. I really hadn't realized how tall he was compared to me until now.

Once my breathing slowed and the sobs stopped, Dean released me from his grip and stared at me.

I silently shook my head. "Adam Banks broke my heart."

Dean's eyes widened. "Banks? What did he do? Do I have to beat him up?" He punched his fist into his palm and I laughed.

"No you don't have to beat him up." I wiped my runny nose and sat on the bench. Dean joined me. "I guess it was just really unexpected. Things have been kind of weird for a while but I didn't think it was this bad. When I brought it up he just like exploded on me and-"

"Did he hit you?" Dean asked and sat up straighter.

"No no no, no way!" I shook my head, "Adam wouldn't do that. He just started yelling and told me that if I have so many problems with him then we should just break up. I tried to stop him but he stormed out."

There was a moment of silence and I sighed, "Dean, if I tell you something, can you promise not to tell anyone else?"

"Of course."

"I was ready to tell Adam that I loved him."

Dean let out a big breath. "Wow. That's a pretty big deal."

"And now I'll probably never be able to tell him that because he'll never talk to me ever again! Oh gosh, this whole thing is my fault isn't it? I never should've said anything!" I could feel myself getting worked up again. "Why couldn't I just-"

"Ella." Dean grabbed my hands and I stopped talking. "You were right to bring up your problems. That's what you need to do sometimes to keep a healthy relationship. If Adam isn't willing to try and fix things with you, then he doesn't deserve to be your boyfriend. It's a two way street."

"I know." I looked down at my feet and bit my lip. "You're really good at this Dean."

"At what?"

"Apparently giving relationship advice." I smiled and nudged him. "We have got to get you a girlfriend sometime."

"Well I happen to know someone who is available." He winked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Too soon Dean, too soon."

He sighed, "Worth a shot."

We both laughed and I got up to leave. "Thanks again for calming me down. I'm sure you didn't expect to talk someone through a bad breakup tonight."

"He shook his head. "I definitely didn't but I'm glad I got to help a friend. You're a good girl Ella. Banks and you will figure things out, I'm sure of it."

"I hope so." I opened the door to leave. "Good night Dean."

"Good night Ella."

I closed the door of the locker room and made my way down the hall. Dean was right. If Adam wanted to fix things, he would.

Maybe I just need to let it go


this is a filler chapter lol enjoy

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