"possible lovers"

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I woke up with a knot in my stomach. And not only because it was game day. Because last night I had seen Adam, my Adam with another girl. Okay not with another girl, but close.

Connie sat up and stretched out her arms. "Mm morning Ella." She looked over at me with a sleepy grin on her face and then shifted her gaze to a still sleeping Julie. "On three?" She mouthed.

I nodded and Connie quietly counted. "One, two, three- happy game day!!"

Julie groaned and turned over to face Connie and me. "Is it Friday already?"

"Yup!" I smiled at her. "And we have to be there in..." I looked down at the bedside clock. "5 hours and 22 minutes."

"Guys!" Julie threw a pillow at me and I caught it. "I wanted to sleep! For more than 6 hours!" I exchanged a glance with Connie and we both shrugged.

"Lets go get some breakfast." They both nodded and got up. I decided not to tell them what had happened with Adam. I was probably just being overdramatic anyways. That girl was just a friend. An unusually close friend. Yeah that's it. I sighed. Maybe I should be keeping a closer eye on him.

Once down at breakfast, we were greeted with the smell of muffins, eggs and bacon. Yum! Most of the team were also there, except for Dean and Fulton, who had stayed up extremely late last night and were now suffering the consequences.

"Hey guys!" Charlie patted the seat next to him and smiled, some bacon hanging out of his mouth. Adam looked up and made eye contact with me. At first it looked like he might break our gaze without saying anything but me winked at me and patted the open seat next to himself. I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe we were ok.

I got in line and started to pile things onto my plate. When I sat down Adam smiled at me. "So how was your night?"
My eyes widened and I tried to think of something to say. "It was good. I watched a movie with the girls and went to sleep early. How about you? What did you do last night?" This was his chance. His chance to tell me the truth.

"Not much. I went to a cool ice cream shop with Charlie and Guy. There was some girls from the Canada team there. We walked them home since we're staying in the same hotel. What a coincidence, huh?" He looked down at his cereal and took another bite, while inside I was having a heart attack. Of course Adam had been doing the sweet deed of walking someone home! He was that kind of person. Not the type to cheat.

I promised myself I would never make that mistake again.

"That sounds fun! Did Charlie like any of them?" I knew Guy was already loyally devoted to Connie and Adam was mine, but Charlie could use a girl.

Adam chuckled. "I think he liked them but I'm not sure they were that into him." I had to laugh at that.


Once breakfast was over the girls and I headed back to our room. The boys were coming by to visit later but for now, it was gossip time.

"So," Connie sat on her bed criss cross applesauce, holding her dolphin pillow, "Let's talk about boys." I looked over at Julie and soon Connie did too.

"Me?" Julie pointed at herself in surprise and we both nodded. "Why me? You're the ones with boyfriends."

"Exactly! We need to find you a man. So give us a lowdown on all the possible lovers!"

Julie laughed. "Um ok. Well... Luis is cute I guess but I don't know if he's the guy for me. And I mean Charlie isn't bad either."

Connie and I exchanged glances before squealing.

"What?" Julie asked covering her ears. "What's so exciting?"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I leaped up to get it. It was the boys.

"Who wants pizza?"


So yeah I got rid of the book for a while but I'm back. Can't promise lots of updates but I'll do my best. Sorry this was a shorter chapter, it's a filler before the games start. Don't forget to vote and comment for quicker updates. Love you all!

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