"i'll wax your eyebrows"

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"Will they just shut up already?" Connie grumbled, holding her pillow to her face. It was the same night but around 11 o'clock. The boys had been making noise and not one of us girls could fall asleep.

"Maybe we should go tell them ourselves." Julie, who was sleeping on the pull out couch, suggested.

"If that'll get them to stop then I'm more than glad to do it. I got up and slipped my feet into my fuzzy pink slippers. I waddled over to the door, my legs still tired from practice.

When I pulled open the door I was immediately pushed against the wall as Goldberg and Guy ran into our room.

"Hurry shut the door! Lock it!" Goldberg was screaming instructions to Guy as I stood in shock against the closet door. Seconds later there was loud banging on the door and I turned and glared at the boys. Connie and Julie had joined me and were standing behind them.

"Would someone please explain what is going on here?" I yelled over the ruckus.

"Wait Ella?" A voice from the other side asked.

I whipped open the door and gasped. I had just revealed both Charlie and Adam standing with only towels around their waists. Connie and Julie burst out laughing which turned them both into a blushing mess.

"We we s-stole their clothes while while they were in the shower!" Goldberg hollered barely getting through his sentence because he was laughing so hard.

"Why were you showering at eleven at night?" Julie asked, finally calmed down.

Charlie ignored the question. "Give us our stuff back!"

"Are you gonna make me?" Guy taunted and I rolled my eyes.

"Give them it back or I'll wax your eyebrows with a pad again." Connie warned. ( lmao throwback )

That did it. Goldberg and Guy pulled out the clothes they had taken out from under their shirts.

"Good night Adam." I smiled at him and he sighed and walked away.

I returned to my bed and pulled the covers over myself. Finally, peace and quiet.


"Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilization." Ms. McKay told us. We were sitting outside for a history lesson before our next practice. "See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports or Wheaties boxes. So the athletes competed for another reason. Anybody?"


"You wish, Goldberg." I mumbled, drawing in the dirt with a stick I had picked up earlier.


He lowered his hand and answered "Pride."

"That's right. The various city-states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly." Ms. McKay thrusted out a fist and smiled.

"Did America always dominate?"

"Fulton." A few kids rolled their eyes and I did too but for a different reason. He was just wondering.

"That's a good question." Dean defended.

"No. America wasn't around back then. Don't forget that compared to other countries America is still young, still forming its own identity. America is a teenager just like you."

"Like us?" Jesse had his mouth open like he was shocked to hear this news.

"You bet." She smiled. A little awkward at times... but always right there on the verge of greatness."


We had a few hours between lessons and practice so me and the girls naturally decided to go shopping and walk around LA. It's not everyday that you get to be in the best city in the world. At least in my opinion.

On our way out of the hotel, Adam and Charlie stopped to talk to us.

"So about last night..." Charlie scratched the back of his head and paused. "Lets just forget that ever happened alright?"

We all nodded and smiled at each other. There was no way we were ever going to forget that. I glanced over at Adam would immediately shifted his gaze elsewhere. The past few days he had been acting distant. I'm sure I was being over dramatic but it sure seemed that way to me.

"Hey do you guys wanna come with us?" Connie asked them.

Adam and Charlie glanced at each other before shrugging. "I suppose so." Adam responded. "How much time do we have until practice?"

Julie looked at her watch. "2 and a half hours which means we should be back here in 2 so we have time to grab our stuff before the bus comes."

With that we all walked across the street away from the hotel and towards the shops. The first one we came across was a cute little candy store. The door jingled when I opened it and I was surprised to see U.S.A. themed sweets on display up front. American flag taffy, star cookies, and rock candy that looked like sparklers. If I didn't know better I'd think it was the 4th of July.

We stopped when the door closed behind us and the few customers inside stopped and stared at us.

"Are you guys from the US hockey team?" A women asked holding her kid's hand. I nodded and I'm sure the others did too. "Could Sammy get a picture with you?" She looked down at the kid, Sammy and pulled him forward.

We all crowded around him and the women snapped a picture.

"That was so weird." I whispered once she had gone.

"I know right." Connie said back. "But I think it's not going to be our last." She pointed at a group of people now standing around us. All with cameras. Oh boy.


"Good night guys!" I called to Connie and Julie before shutting off my lamp. I put down my reading glasses and book, feeling around in the dark for the bedside table. My glasses slipped away and under the bed. I groaned and leaned down to grab them.

"Ow shit!" I yelled out as I hit my head on the edge of the table.

"Ella are you okay?" Connie and Julie both sat up in alarm.

I held on to my head and winced in pain. "Yeah. Might have just given myself  another concussion though. I'm gonna go and get some ice." I pulled myself out of bed and walked into the hallway. No one was around so I gathered some ice from the machine into a plastic bag.

I held it to my head once I had tied it. Suddenly voices were heard around the hallway corner and I ducked behind the vending machine that was sitting nearby. I peeked around the corner once the voices got closer.

I had to stop myself from gasping. It was Adam. He was with a girl. A girl I had never seen before. And they were too close for my liking.

Adam said something to her and she giggled. Bleh.

They walked past me and I held my breath. Once they were out of sight I bounded back to my room and rushed inside. I slammed the door shut and leaned against it breathing heavily. I expected someone to say something but I guess they were both asleep.

I slipped into bed and numbly stared into the distance. What just happened?


hello again! sorry i've been gone for so long. but now i am back and better than ever. as you can see adam has already met this mystery girl that will soon destroy their relationship. keep voting and commenting to find out who it is and what happens next!

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