"get some ice"

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"This place is huge!" I heard someone from behind me whisper. The team had just gotten off the bus and were now being led into the Arrowhead Pond stadium, for today's game. I had to agree. It was bigger than any other rink I had ever been in.

There were tons of signs taped to the walls, pointing in the direction of many different places. We followed the arrow leading to the locker rooms. 

Once inside, I set my stuff on a bench, next to a row of lockers. Connie and Julie did the same. 

"We're here! Can you guys believe it?" Connie squealed and unzipped her bag.

"I know right!" Julie sat down on the bench and began untying her shoelaces. "The final face-off." 

I opened up my locker and shoved my sweatshirt inside. I was excited to play, but I was also really anxious. I wasn't sure why, but just thinking of it made my stomach hurt. 

"Coach!" Adam suddenly burst in and stopped in the front of the locker room. Everyone looked at him and the chatter quieted. "I woke up and the pain was gone." He rotated his wrist in demonstration. 

Everyone cheered and Coach grabbed his arm to check it out. He then sighed and looked at him sadly. "Adam I'm sorry but we already have a full roster."

I turned to Russ, who I now remembered had taken Adam's place. He began to remove his jersey when Charlie stopped him. "He can have my spot."

My eyes widened and a few people gasped. I couldn't believe Charlie was giving up his chance to play in the biggest game of our careers. 

Charlie continued, "It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it." He walked over and put his hand on Adam's shoulder. 

Even though I didn't want to admit it, Adam was one of the best players on our team. Charlie's decision was a smart one to make. I was proud of him. 

"Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me." Coach gave his clipboard to him and we all cheered. 


"All right, take a deep breath." 

We were all waiting under the stands, about to be announced and skate onto the rink. I anxiously bounced on the edge of my skates and blew out a deep breath. 

"Here we go!" Coach called. 

Two men pulled open the doors and my team skated out. I couldn't believe my eyes. Or my ears. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the bleachers, cheering for team USA. 

I waved at the fans and everyone else did the same. 

We took several minutes to do some warm-ups, before returning to our bench. 

"Alright everyone, put your hands in." 

I reached my hand over Jesse's shoulder and added it to the pile. 

"Heads high! Stand tall! Fly straight! U.S.A!"

 "All the way!" We all yelled and threw our hands up, cheering.

I wasn't on the ice to begin the game so I sat beside Julie. She flashed me a smile and I returned it. Averman was taking the draw for our team, and I said a silent prayer that he wouldn't die right then and there. 

The puck dropped and he was immediately knocked to the ground. He slowly got back up and followed in the direction of the puck. Well, at least he wasn't dead.

Our players continued to get pummeled. Even Dean was hit hard into the glass and fell to the ground. I grimaced. This was not a good start to the game.  

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