"feisty icelanders"

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"It's been all Team U.S.A. tonight. They lead Italy six to nothing. They've really dominated this game. Italy with the puck across the line. D'Agistino shoots. Glove save by Goldberg." The announcer's voice rang over the speakers and I smiled up at the score board. The Ducks were crushing it.

I glanced over across the ice to Adam. We were going to go on a date last night but he said he didn't feel good and canceled last minute. I was worried. It wasn't like him to do something like that.

My attention was pulled back to the game by Goldberg's loud voice, mocking an Italy player. "Hey how do you say in italiano 'wussy'"? He asked and was then shoved by the Italy player. A ref was quick to break it up.

"Goldberg!" Coach shook his head from the sidelines.

He just shrugged. "What'd I say?"

The game resumed and Fulton took the puck to the center near Italy's goal. He shot it straight in and the team cheered.


I blew my hair out of my face and flopped onto my bed. Connie sat beside me. We had just gotten back from the Italy game and more press conferences. The boys were out and Julie had left to talk to Coach.

"Am I crazy?" I rolled over to my side to face Connie.

"Of course you are." She smiled at me and I frowned.

"No not like that. I mean am I honestly crazy for thinking Adam is acting weird? He's super distant, he ignores me sometimes, and he canceled our date."

She sighed and bit her lip. "I don't know what to tell you Ella. I think Adam likes you a whole lot and maybe this is just his weird teenage boy way of showing it?"

"By ignoring me?"

"I don't know!" She exclaimed and then paused. "Boys are dumb."


A knock at our door made Connie and me bolt upright. We raced to the door but she got there first. It was Dean and Fulton. "Hey ladies want to go get some ice cream?"

We both looked at each other and smiled. "Duh."

The ice cream parlor Dean and Fulton took us to was a cute one called Farley's Frozen Treats on the edge of  Main Street. I got Mint Chip as usual and Connie got Rocky Road. She gave me a dirty look as we stepped outside.

"Whoever decided to make mint ice cream is out of their mind!" She told me. I scoffed. "No way! Mint Chip is probably the-" I was stopped by Dean's arm being held in front of me.

"What the-" "Shhhh!" Him and Fulton ducked behind a large pillar and Connie and I followed.

Two people then came into view. It was Coach and the trainer for Iceland. What was he doing with her?

I strained to hear their conversation. Something about Greenland and Iceland.

Once they had disappeared the four of us looked at each other.

"Would you look at this? She's an Iceland chick. What's he doin'with her? Great coach we got." Dean strolled away toward the hotel and Fulton followed looking defeated. I took one more sad look in the direction Coach had went and left as well.

What was going on around here?


"Alright are we ready for warmups?" Coach walked into the locker room the next day looking... different. The team was quick to point it out.

"Woah! "He's stylin!" "Nice jacket. Did you get two pairs of pants with that?"

Coach shook his head and I sighed. Things were changing fast.

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