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"Oppa!! Oppa!"

Yoongi groaned slightly, his eyes blinking open, "What is it baby?"

Hoseok blushed slightly. Of course, he had been called that for years by the older, but now it meant something a little different.

"Ah.. g-get up! We're going out today!"

Yoongi sat up, taking a deep breath, "Oh my! How could I forget?"

Hoseok crawled onto the olders lap, straddling him, and hugging him, "Where are we gonna go today, oppa?"

Yoongi felt himself get hard on by the youngers actions, and placed his hands on Hoseok's hips to hold him still. He couldn't. He just couldn't ruin this innocent teen.

He was technically an adult, though, wasn't he?

"I made us a reservation at JW's Grill." Yoongi shook off his odd thoughts.

Hoseok's eyes widened, "Wh- but that's so expensive!"

"I want my baby to eat well."

Hoseok hesitated, but nodded, "O-okay.."

"We're also going to the Lotte, and Times Square Mall."

Hoseok pursed his lips, but Yoongi could see the excitement in his eyes.

"I intend on spoiling you, Hoseok"

The younger shivered as his name was said. He was usually called Baby, Baby Boy, Good Boy, sometimes even Princess, since he was very feminine. Hardly ever, was he called by his actual name from Yoongi, unless he was in trouble.

But the way he said it, was different. It made Hoseok feel something in his belly. He liked it.

"Alright baby.. I need to get up, and get ready."

Hoseok pouted, but crawled off Yoongi, and sat cross-legged in the big t-shirt he borrowed. (he wasn't actually going to give it back for a while)

Yoongi looked at him for a moment, his eyes flashing, struggling with his inner battle, before walking to his bathroom.

Hoseok was a little confused, but got up as well, going to his bag. He picked out a patterned skirt, a pink sweater, and a belt to accent his small waist.

(The picture)

He dressed quickly, before slipping his choker back onto his neck, and tying it. He knocked on the door of the bathroom, and Yoongi opened it, a toothbrush in his mouth.

When he looked at Hoseok, he nearly choked on his toothpaste. He really didn't want him to go out like that, but he also kind of does, so he can show him off, and show everyone that Hoseok belongs to him.

Said boy leans over the counter, and he applies a little bit of eyeshadow, and some lip gloss.

Yoongi stared at his ass for a few seconds, before realizing his toothbrush was falling out of his mouth, and started brushing again.

After he finished, he rinsed his mouth, then slid his hand across the youngers back, and gripped his hip.

"You look really good, baby boy."

He blushed, finishing his makeup, and stood up, and pecked Yoongi's lips, "Thank you, oppa."

Hoseok then turned around, to go find something in the kitchen, but before he fully left the bathroom, Yoongi brought a hand down, and smacked Hoseok's butt. He couldn't refuse himself.

Hoseok yelped, and turned to look at the older with a red face. All he got from Yoongi was a smirk, and a shrug.

Hoseok huffed, before turning back around and going to the kitchen.

He wouldn't admit it outloud, but he liked when Yoongi slapped his butt. It made his tummy tingle. He liked that.

He poured himself a bowl of cereal, and grabbed the milk from the fridge. He always loved that Yoongi had the best cereals.

He felt arms go around his stomach, and a chin on his shoulder. "We're going shopping first, then we'll find a place for lunch, then shop more, then dinner."

Hoseok was a little in shock. They were going to some expensive places today. He didn't really want to have a lot of money spent on him, but he did know Yoongi, and knew that he didn't take no for an answer.

Hoseok smiled, swallowing his easily pleased mind, and accepting the spoiling, "Okay, oppa!"


Hoseok rested his hands on his stomach, sighing happily. "I'm so full.."

Yoongi nodded, "Me too." he agreed, then took a deep breath. They had taken the term 'shop until you drop' literally. Although, it wasn't Yoongi who had dropped. It was Hoseok. Yoongi ended up giving the younger a piggyback ride.

After dinner, they were both stuffed, and ready to go home, so Yoongi paid the bill, and they left the mall with the many bags they had.

After driving home, Hoseok looked at Yoongi, and pulled on his hand.

"Oppa.. can we watch a movie?"

Yoongi nodded, "Of course, princess. Go pick one out, while i put the bags in the room."

Hoseok nodded happily, and hurried to the living room, and dug through the olders movie collection. After a minute, he picked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was a favorite of his.


Halfway through the movie, Hoseok got distracted. He was thinking of last night, when Yoongi had his hands on his lower back and hips. When they kissed. This morning when he was in the olders lap. When Yoongi called him Hoseok. When he slapped his butt. It all made his belly tickle. But this time, he felt it somewhere else.

And he felt like it needed to be relieved.

He looked to Yoongi, who was focused on the screen. He tapped the olders shoulder, and bit his lip, trying to keep the whine that was itching to come from his mouth, inside.

"What is it, baby boy?" He asked, turning to him.

Hoseok's face was flushed pink. "O-oppa.. I.. I feel something.. d-down there.."

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