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i have consumed the essential oil peppermint im gonna die

For all you future readers,,, this pup has been sent to heaven to sit in my grandmas lap and be spoiled with pets all day while my grandma laughs at the new devil puppy we got
(She was old n had big big tumors and she was ready)


"Mommy... Can I have a few friends over?"

"Of course, baby. Who do you want to have over?"

"Uh, I was thinking.. Kookie, Jieun, Jimin, Tae, and Joonie? W-we could have a sleepover if they want to, maybe?" Hoseok asked, his eyes widening in a asking/begging way.

His mom just chuckled, and nodded, then to be attacked by a hug from the boy.

"Thank you mommy!"

Which is how all 6 of them ended up in Hoseoks living room at 11pm, watching some cheesy horror film.

Jimin And Tae has some type of fling going on, or at least that's what Hoseok thought, since they were all cuddled up together. Kookie and Jieun were cuddled up, but they were a couple, so that was expected.

Hoseok was in Namjoons arms. The younger was a warm person.

Namjoons arms were grazing down Hoseoks back in a comforting way, which was slowly drifting the older into a gentle sleep.


Yoongi hadn't asked Hoseok anything else about this 'Namjoon' as he learned his name was.

Yea, he was jealous. He wanted the younger all to himself. Hoseok was his.

Unfortunately, he hasn't put any claim on him. He was mad at himself for that.


A week later, Hoseok and Namjoon had become a couple. Namjoon had asked Hoseok a few days after they met. They were still in their beginning stages, so it was very fluffy and cute. They had, however kissed.


Said boy jumped a little, turning to look at his mom. He was cuddling with Namjoon. They were watching Goblin.


"Yes mommy?"

"Ah.. I'm sorry this is such short notice, but your dad and I were called for a business trip, so we have to leave by tonight. So I called Yoongi-ssi to ask if you could stay with him for a few days. He said yes, of course. He will be here in about an hour."

Hoseoks eyes were wide. He knew his parents couldn't help when they got called for a trip. They usually had some time to prepare though.

"O-oh.. okay. I'l pack then.. How many days?" He was slightly in shock, but was excited to see Yoongi.

After the weekend he spent the night with him, he hadn't seen him the next weekend, since the older was busy. They talked a lot though.

But Hoseok was shy. He was a little embarrassed about what they did that night.

"Just until Monday, dear."

Hoseok nodded, then stood up to get some clothes. Namjoon helped him pack.

By helping, he really just kept pulling Hoseok into kisses and hugs.

"I'm gonna miss you, Hoseokie.."

"Yah.. you have to use honorifics!" Hoseok was teasing him. Although he was older, they were born in the same year, so no honorifics were actually necessary.

Namjoon chuckled, before kissing Hoseoks forehead, "You're too cute, baby~"

Hoseok stilled a little at the name, and chewed on his bottom lip. He couldn't tell Namjoon he couldn't call him that... even though he kind of wanted to.

After he had finished packing, Namjoon hugged Hoseok, pecking his lips. "I have to get going then. You have a fun weekend, alright? I'll see you Tuesday."

"I'll walk you to the door, c'mon."

Hoseok grabbed his bag, before grabbing Namjoons hand, and walking downstairs. He set his bag on the couch, and out to Namjoons car.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"Aishhh.. it's not the end of the world. It's the weekend."

Namjoon scoffed, a smile decorating his face, as well as his dimples. "That's not the point."

Hoseok tolled his eyes, before pulling the younger into a kiss, his eyes fluttering closed.

They were so zoned into their kiss-it was clean, no sexual ness- that neither of them realized a car pulled up beside them in the driveway.

That is, until a certain someone decided to speak up after jealously bloomed. No, scratch that. Anger.

"Have you forgotten about me already, Baby boy?"

Hoseok pulled away from Namjoon so fast, his face somehow getting happier.

"Oppa!" He squealed, and quickly ran around the car to pull Yoongi into a hug. "I missed you!!"

Yoongi hugged back, squeezing his hips, "I missed you too. So who's this?" He asked, motioning to the slightly taller purple haired boy.

"That's Namjoon! He's my boyfriend. Remember the one I told you about?"

"Ah, yes." Yoongi was glad he could mask his emotions, because all he felt right now was fury and the fact that he wanted to punch the dimples off of Namjoons face.

Namjoon, however, was slightly confused as to why Hoseok called him oppa? And why did Yoongi call him baby boy?

He was a good people-watcher. He knew from just a few seconds that they liked each other. But who exactly was Yoongi to Hoseok?


Oof just a filler ily


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