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Baby are you okay after Yoongi took your virginity?

Of course! That was months ago now.. I was sore for a while, but it still felt good. He'd never do anything to hurt me

Do you love Yoongi?

Oh yes! I really really love him! I don't know about his feelings for me though..


You better fucking make Hoseok your boyfriend,,, not a toy because I'll hate you but I'll still love you

I'm trying Okay! You don't realize how stressful it is on me! I don't want to lose him!

If you make Hoseok your fucktoy I will personally cut off your dick and shove it up your ass. Also, do you only see Hoseok as your fucktoy, or do you have feelings for him?

Oh man,, you can't blame me for what I say during sex! And he can always be both yknow?? But I love him so much, Okay! I swear!!


Sweetheart are you okay? How are you? Is Jin your boyfriend now?

Yea he is. I'm okay, don't worry. Why wouldn't I be okay?

Would you ever top Jin?

Ah, no. For two reasons. One, he's daddy af, and two, the author doesn't do bottom Jin
(Blame JOONSEXUAL it's kats fault)
(Lmao hey me from twoish years ago,, there will be a namjin book soon)


You better treat Namjoon like how Yoongi treats Hoseok or ill slap you

damn, feisty. I treat him wonderfully, okay? I make him food too. The poor baby isn't allowed in the kitchen.

You better love my baby boy

Don't worry I love him lots


Did Yoongi talk to you yet?

Yes. Scariest conversation in my life. I'd rather not remember that, thanks


I haven't seen you in like 17264738382 chapters where are you?

Up taehyungs ass. That's a joke. Kind of. I'm doing things, okay? I have school and stuff


Where have you been?

Places. Jimin and I study a lot


You're literally me except you're so fucking beautiful and talented I love you

I love you too! And you're even more beautiful and talented, okay??


Do you know you're just being used? Date me if you stop being Yoongi's toy

I know I'm being used. I have no strings attached, except for the fact that he's my boss. I agreed to his because him being stressed fucks up my job because he gets mad. I'm also single and horny, and he has a nice dick

Hoseok's mom

How was your trip?

It was great!! When me and my husband got back, Yoongi and Hoseok were all cuddled up with each other, and I just had to get a picture!

Hoseok's dad

Will you allow Yoongi to date Hoseok?

Of course! I trust him! They're very comfortable with each other, and compliment each other as well

Yoongi's parents

I have never seen you in the story yet. I hope you're not the stereotype™️ rich parents

M: what do you mean stereotype? Is it because Yoongi is gay? I don't care about that. I just want him to make money and be successful
D: I will say it took me a while to accept him being gay, but at the end of the day, I honestly don't care that much as long as he's successful

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