Chapter 33

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Authors notes:
I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy New Year. In keeping with the Christmas spirit, I've decided to give you all a gift, another chapter. This is my longest chapter so far so I hope you enjoy. As always, please vote if you like it, comment and tell me what you think, and share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 33, enjoy and Merry Christmas.

In the middle of a forest, the gang was cleaning up from lunch. Well, most of them were cleaning, Bonnie was busy playing with Pikachu and Dedenne. "Watch out," said Bonnie as she jumped into a pile of leaves with Pikachu and Dedenne, all of them laughing and having fun. "Come on Bonnie its time to go," said Clemont as he picked up his bag. "Ok." Bonnie got up and went to go get her bag, Dedenne running ahead to get in. Dedenne gets to the bag first and opens it just as Bonnie gets there, leaving them looking at what looks like a green blob. "Clemont? Somethings in my bag." Everyone turns around and starts to walk over. Just then the blob started moving and looked up at Bonnie. Upon it looking up at Bonnie she gasped, "So cute." The Pokemon then got scared and tried to run away. Bonnie chased it, acting like it was a game as the Pokemon weaved around everyone's legs, eventually sending itself up into the air. "I got you, I got you," Bonnie said as she tried to get herself into position to catch the green Pokemon. When Bonnie caught it, it caused her to lose her balance and fall back. "I caught you," she said as she saw the Pokemon in her arms. The Pokemon glared at her, so she tickled it, causing it to laugh hysterically and go limp after. "So what is it," Bonnie asked everyone else. Clemont and Korrina both looked at it, "I have no idea." "Same here, I've never seen a Pokemon like that before." "Lets check my pokedex," said Ash. "No data," was the pokedex's response. "Let me try mine," but Serena's gave the same response. "So then this must mean we just discovered new pokemon," Bonnie's asked excitedly. "It looks like it," replied Korrina. "Yay," Bonnie cheered, "Now your going to need a name. Let's see, your squishy. So I'll call you squishy." "So what should we do about squishy," Serena asked. "Well that's easy, I'm going to take care of it," answered Bonnie. "Wait a minute, we don't know anything about squishy," said Clemont. "That's how I'm going to learn about it, by taking care of it," stated Bonnie. "She's got a point there," Korrina added. "Thats part of how Pokemon researchers learn about Pokemon," said Ash.

Just then the ground started to shake and loud squawks were head. Everyone looked in the direction of the noise as a large herd of Dodrio burst out of the bushes, and was charging right at them, with a Grovyle following in the trees. Everyone quickly scrambles to get out of the way, unfourtnitly though Bonnie tripped and fell, still right in their path. The Grovyle was about to use leaf blade on one of the Dodrio when he noticed Bonnie. He aborted the attack, jumped forward, picked Bonnie and Dedenne up, and jumped up and out of the way. Just as the last of the Dodrio were about to pass, it was hit by a psyshock causing it to fall and be left behind. As it was trying to get up a Kirlia floated over and used hypnosis on it, causing the Dodrio to fall asleep. Then, "pokeball go," a pokeball hit the Dodrio and it was sucked inside, with an instant ding once it was in. "Alright," everyone looked and saw none other than Max running up to collect the pokeball. "Great work Kirlia," Max said, thanking Kirlia for her work. Kirlia smiled as she blushed slightly. "Hey Max." Max looked to the side to see Ash and everyone else, except for Bonnie. "Hey guys, where's Bonnie? Did she stop traveling with you guys," asked Max. Just then Grovyle dropped from a tree with Bonnie still in his arms. "Hey Bonnie," Max said with a smile. Then suddenly a wave of realization hit Max, "Oh no. Don't tell me that stamped almost ran you over." Max ran over to Bonnie and hugged her, "I'm so sorry. I was just trying to catch one and they started running. If I knew that would have happened I wouldn't have tried," Max apologized while still hugging her, causing Bonnie's face to go tomato red. This caused Kirlia to glare at Bonnie, Grovyle saw this and shook his head and sighed. Bonnie looked over at the gang to see everyone smiling at her, but Clemont's was a bit of an evil smile. He was about to say something when Korrina slapped her hand over his mouth, "I know what your thinking, and if you ruin this moment for them, your sleeping outside of the tent, by yourself for a week." Clemont nodded showing Korrina he understood and would behave. Though Clemont couldn't deny, despite all the times Bonnie embarrassed him, he was happy to see she found her first crush. Then Bonnie ruined the moment as she realized something, "Wait, where's squishy!"

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