Before Making The Account

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Before making your account, you need to ask yourself:
* If you have time to run it, because it takes time.
* why do you want to do it? (Never forget your reasons!)
* who will you post about? (More than 1 idol can be hard to manage, not everyone has the same idols. A fan page of a couple can work)
* when will you post?
* how many times? (1 per day? 3? 1 a week?...)
*what types of posts?

You need to know a few things too, that nobody really tells you before you create your account..

* a fan account takes time to manage and grow!
* some accounts will gain faster than you and it's okay because it's not a competition (remember your reasons up there and your idol, that's what matters)
* not everyone will have the same opinion as you, respect other's opinions if you want them to respect yours (some fandoms can have more drama than others)

There you guys go. If you think I should add anything else, comment or text me! Don't hesitate to ask me something, I'll gladdly answer!
Love you ♡

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