Perverted Bunny Mask: Extra 3

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Perverted Bunny Mask: Extra 3


You hummed as you rolled onto your stomach, your gaze curiously landing on Jimin who sat at the edge of your bed, munching on a handful of snacks while he watched a Korean Drama from your TV.

The man had his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he continued to chew, his right cheek puffed out more than usual as he stored a mouthful of food in there. You stared at him for another moment before the question you've always wanted to ask itched to escape your mouth.

"Hey, Jimin," you finally decided to call out to the man as you sat up, pulling a pillow to your lap as you got comfortable once more.

Jimin responded with a hum, but he didn't look away from the TV, only tilting his body to the side to let you know that he has heard you calling out to him.

You felt the corner of your eyebrow twitch in irritation at the way he was responding to you. Without even hesitating, you turned the TV off with a simple click of the remote, making the said male cry out in anger.

"Yah! Y/N-Noona! It was getting to the best pa–"

"I was fucking talking to you, brat," your voice dangerously dropped a few octaves lower, "I expect eye contact and respect," your growl made Jimin immediately sit up, eyeing you with a nervous smile.

You and Jimin had a strange relationship.

It wasn't unusual to find the younger male hanging out in your room, either watching something on your TV or lazily hanging out on your bed while you work behind your desk. The younger man enjoyed your presence much like he enjoyed your twin's company.

You actually didn't hate Jimin, he was much more bearable than the other two, Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin wasn't as annoying and, well, since you were his partner's twin, he knew what he could and what he couldn't do in your presence. One big no-no was to annoy you, and Jimin usually did a fantastic job avoid doing that.

What can you say, you and Yoongi were twins. You two could even be the same person. And with the countless hours Jimin spent with Yoongi, he has learned that he just had to act like how he does around a Yoongi with you.

"Yes, Noona?" Jimin sweetly questioned as he turned his whole body towards you, his eyes narrowing to amused crescent moons as you stared at him just like how Yoongi did when the older man was trying to figure something about him out.

"You've met Yoongi before right?"

Jimin was slightly taken back by your question, both of his eyebrows raising up as his lips parted. The man awkwardly ran a hand through his hair under your stare, shifting on the bed until he got comfortable with his legs crisscrossed.

"What do you mean? Of course, I've met Yoongi-hyung before!" The blond man laughed, "I'm his partner, I've met him countless of times!"

A small snort left your mouth as you rolled your dark eyes in annoyance. His innocent tilt of his head made him look ridiculous in your eyes, and you were tempted to give him a hit to the back of his head.

"You know what I'm talking about, you can't fucking fool me. I've never asked, but I know that you've met Yoongs somewhere before you guys clashed with us during the S.M.'s shit a while ago," you pushed as you drew closer to Jimin.

It was too unusual for you. You had once personally sat down with Yoongi, mundanely speaking about whatever came to your minds. And at one point, the topic of Jimin came up, both of you questioning the man's obsession over the older Min.

Perverted Bunny Mask: Jeon Jungkook x Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now