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Jimmy walked into the house quietly.  He served himself some dinner and sat down.  Atty walked into the room, "Now, that we're alone, tell me what's going on?" she asked as she sat across from him.   "Nothing's going on.  I already told you, I want my daughter to be able to see the world, the sky, the beauty of the sight.  Now, do me a favor, and leave me alone." he replied  "I something bigger is behind all this.  Soon or later I will find out." she muttered as she served her food.   "Brook ate her dinner.  She was waiting for you to return, but she felt tired and went to sleep," explained Atty as she ate her dinner.  "Well, if you up before me tomorrow due let her know that I've set up an appointment for this Wednesday, at ten in the morning.  I've had a long day.  The food for good, thanks, we'll talk in the morning." said Mr. Hangler as he got up from the table and headed to his bedroom.

Atty glanced at him as he walked away.  "I know somethings wrong," she thought to herself as she continues to eat.  When she was done, she cleans up the kitchen then headed to bed.

The following day, Atty told Brook the good news.  She was delighted to know her life might change for the better.  Jimmy woke up pretty late that day.  They need to wait for two more days before they could see the eye specialist.  Those two days, were very long and quiet, it seems like dough no one really wanted to talk on that subject.

The day of the appointment finally arrived.  Atty and Brook were up bright and early.  "Listen, I must tell you something," whispered Brook as she was finishing getting dress.  "What's that sweet," replied Atty  "I don't know why, but I'm very afraid," she said as she gives Atty her hand to lead her way.  "Don't worry, your father and I will both be there." she replied  "Oh, you're going to?  That good, I thought you were staying here." said Brook   "No, that's why I dress.  Now, let's get going the taxi is waiting for us." she said  "Where's the father?" the young lady asked   "He should be in the taxi, waiting.  Let's get going." said Atty as she leads Brook out the door towards the waiting taxi.

Quickly her father stepped out of the front set, helping them get into the car.  "Good, we don't want to be late." said Jimmy   "Good morning Father," said Brook as she sat down.  "Good morning, sweet," he replied  Then Atty and Jimmy exchange smiles as the taxi ride became suddenly silent.

The ride to the Eye hospital was very uncomfortable for Atty and Jimmy.  Brook was nerves and afraid that she wasn't hiding anything.  Atty knew that Jimmy was doing just that.  Suddenly the taxi stopped, "You're here sir." said the driver as he stopped the car.    "Thank you, ladies we're here," said Jimmy as he paid the fare and help the ladies out of the cab.

Brook didn't say much as she stepped out of the car.  Atty helped her into the building as her father waited for his change.  They enter the doctor's office and check in at the front desk.  When Brooks name was called, she kind of ignored it.  She was suddenly having a change of mind.  "Sweet, they just called your name," said Atty as she helped her out of her chair.  "Can you go in with me?" she muttered.  "Sure, of course, I wasn't going to let you do this alone." replied Atty  "Wait, they only allow one extra, I thought I will be the one," said Jimmy a bit disappointed.  "Father, I really prefer, a woman with me, please I hope you understand.  The doctor will tell you everything anyway," explained Brook as Atty and he walked towards the doors to the examining room.  "Well, if that's what you want.  If you need me I'll be out here waiting," he replied as he gave her a kiss on the head, then she disappeared behind the closed doors.

Jimmy kept pacing back and forth, nerves for his daughter.  After half an hour the two ladies came back out of the room.  Jimmy quickly ran towards them, "So, what did he say?' he asked  "He said he wanted to tell you first. He waiting for you." said Atty    Jimmy went with the nurse to talk to the doctor.   "So, how are you doing sir." said the doctor as he extended his hand for a handshake.  "I'm alright I guess.  How are my daughter's eyes?" replied Jimmy with a serious expression.   "That the way to get right to the point.  Sir, your daughter's eye was damage to the extreme. the cells of her eyes are dead.  There's no way I can do laser surgery." explained the doctor  "What are you saying, there's no way of helping see?" asked Jimmy who suddenly got very sad. 

"Well, there's one way.  But for this, she'll need a donor and no one is going to donate their eyes.  Now we do have an organ donor list.   We can place your daughter on.  If someone who's an organ donor dies, and only if their blood type match, we might make a miracle happen." explained the doctor   "So you're saying, she does have a chance?" he asked with a big smile.  "Just she does.  But do get your hopes too high.  Brook is only twelve, I think we should wait until she'll fully develop before doing this operation." he continued to explain.   "Wow that's a long time from now," said Jimmy who smile disappeared again.  "Well look, if a child her age passes then maybe this will work.  People die every day, but not all are you daughter blood type and not all are organ donors." said the doctor  "Well, do put her on that list. Thank you for your time." Jimmy said as he shook the doctor's hand then walked out to the waiting room.

"So, father what did he say?" asked Brook as Atty help her off the seat.  "It's all long story.  Let's get home first.  We'll sit down over some tea and talk." he said as they headed outside and he began to call a taxi.   "Father you are kind of worrying me.  Is there anything wrong?' asked the young lady.  "No, sweet, here comes the taxi, we'll talk when we get home.  Don't worry," he said as they stepped into the cab and headed home.

As the taxi driver drove through the highway, all you could hear was the sound of the traffic in the streets, inside the cab there was nothing but silences, all the way home.

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