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June 6th, 2000
Huston haze hospital

It happened so quickly, all I remember was my mom saying,"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry." For something she didn't mean to do. Then my dad slapping the shit out of her while I tried my best to get him to stop hitting her, then he came for me and h-he he. I put my head down thinking about the things that occurred before we got to the hospital and let a tear fall down and quickly wipped it because my dad always told me crying is for the weak.

"Family of Tina knowels" we herd the doctor say and my head shot up. I got out of the seat and quickly walk to the doctor with my dad right beside me. I analyzed the doctor and saw that she had blood on her gloves and on her shirt. It also looked like some got on her pants too. I felt a tear stroll down my cheek as I realized this could be my baby sisters or my mothers blood. Or both. Then I looked at the doctors face, it was looked sad.

"That's us." My dad said anxiously as we waited for her to put our curiosity to rest.

The doctor sighed then looked down at her clip board. "I'm sorry but we couldn't save her, nor the baby. Ms.knowels lost too much blood during the c-section and the baby was born a stillborn. It looks like Ms.Knowels was under a lot of stress, we also found bruises on her body during the operation." She said then shook her head. "So with that being said Mr.Knowels, have you ever put you hands on Mrs.Knowels in any type of way?" The doctor asked.

He tensed up, you could tell he was nervous he looked around and shook his head no. "No , I have never put my hands on my wife." He said sounding unbelievable. I shook my head at him because I knew the truth, I used to look up to him, he used to be my hero until that night I saw my mother unconscious on the flood with a pool of blood around her, even after that situation. She stayed with him, and I could never understand why. I felt my tears falling freely at this point I've lost the two most important people to me. My baby sister, Solange. And my mother, Tina.

"Can I talk to your daughter alone please."the doctor ask Mathew and he nodded in approval. The doctor pulled me into a room and told me to sit down.

"Has your father ever put his hands on your mother in any abusive way?" The doctor asked and I nodded my head yes.

"Has he ever done it while she was pregnant?" And I said yes once again.

"Do you know if he's ever forced her to do anything?"he asked and I nodded my head yes again

"At night, when he thought I was sleep, he would try to force her to have sex, I would hear her screaming telling him no, stop, please over and over and over again. While I'd just cry myself to sleep. He did it recently too, a couple of hours ago. It was the first time he tried to do it while she was pregnant and I wanted to protect my mom and little sister so I ran in there with a bat and started to hit him, I was winning too until he grabbed the bat and started to hit me with it then my mother got up trying to fight him but it's really nothing you can do being 7 months pregnant. But she protected me as much as she could until she passed out. The-then h-he......." I said timidly then sighed as I cried. The doctor got up and pulled me into a hug. And rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this baby."she said as she rubbed my back. "I will make sure he's in jail, and he'll never touch you again. I promise" she said

"No no no. Please no, he's all I have!" I said as I pulled away from her with pleading eyes.

"It's okay baby , it's okay, you have me now. Your mother was a friend of mine, when I needed her she was there. And now that she needs me I'm here. I've got you it's okay." She said then pulled me to her as I cried on her chest.

After I got myself together we came out the room to where my dad was and we saw two officers behind him about to hand cuff him.

"Hey, what's going on?!" He yelled as the officers arrested him. "Beyoncé! What the fuck!" He yelled trying to get free as the restrained him and took him away. They dragged him away while he spewed hateful things toward me.

"Sir you have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law do you understand?" The officer said as he roughly put the hand cuffs on him he looked furious, he looked me dead in my eye and yelled.

"You will never amount to anything! Just like your mother! All you'll be good for is laying on your back!" I drowned him and everyone else out after that. With all the commotion going on around me I couldn't focus on anything. With Mathew being dragged away, the female doctor that way trying to calm me down, and the crowd that was forming around me. I didn't even know I was hyperventilating, until I couldn't find my breath. Everything around me got blurry then all I remember is seeing black.

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