Chapter 23 ~ Makeovers

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(Emma's POV)
It's Friday and I can't wait to leave school. Actually, I love this class because it's art and Killian's in it with me but still. Emily and Laura are taking me to Laura's place after school to get ready for tonight. I'm not sure who's more excited for tonight, Killian, me or our friends. Okay yeah it might be me.

Although I'm a little nervous as well. What if the date goes wrong or is terrible? I mean it's our first date so I don't know what to expect. If it goes wrong than maybe--no I can't think like that! I take a deep breath and focus on the brush strokes on my painting. I finish the rough draft in a few minutes and look over at Killian.

Killian, I've noticed, is a really talented artist. Better than me. Okay, way better than me. I thought I was really good before I met him. He constantly reassures me that I'm really talented as well but that may just be the gentleman in him. He catches my eye and throws a wink at me before returning to his piece. I roll my eyes but continue to watch him work his magic. Watching him paint is actually really calming and fascinating at the same time.

After a few minutes he looks over at me. "Just to be clear, which masterpiece are you looking at? Me or my painting?"

I jokingly squint at him and then at the masterpiece and then back to him. "Definitely the painting." He gets a bit of blue paint on his finger and flicks it at me. I skillfully dodge the attack and look at him gapingly.

"Killian Jones!" I gasp. I do the same but choose green as my weapon. Unlike him, my attack hits its target. On his forehead are three specks of green paint. I smirk as he grabs at his phone to see the damage. "You should learn from your own lesson: aim and focus." He rolls his eyes.

"Alright I may have deserved that and I should be annoyed at you but I can't help but feel proud of my star pupil." His hand goes to his chest as he fakes a look of pride

"I had no idea you were such a fan of me," I say with fake bashfulness.

"Actually I'm a fan of your magic," he jokes with a cocky smile.

"I thought you were a fan of every part of me?"

"Well then you thought," he pulls me in for a quick kiss before murmuring against my lips. "Correct." He leans away from me with a smirk and leaves me smiling and, honestly, a bit turned on. Until we ruins it by wiping a bit of blue paint on my cheek while I was distracted. He starts to laugh--quietly, though, as to not to disturb the class--and I can't help but join in. After we wipe the paint off each other's faces, we basically continue to distract each other for the rest of class since we both had finished our rough drafts.

When we're dismissed, Killian and I walk out of school together. We see Emily and Laura waiting for me and he gives me a peck on the cheek before saying, "I'll pick you up at 7:00 sharp."

"If you're a minute late the date's off," I joke, slightly teasing him about how precise he was.

"Oh don't worry, love. I wouldn't miss this for the world." He gives me yet another wink before sauntering off towards Wayne and Josh--a kid who we all only met yesterday, he seems nice but somehow the group's never noticed him before--who were helping him set up for the date. I roll my eyes at my dork--wait, was he mine? Could I call him mine? Would it be too soon? Too weird? I don't know but I wasn't going to bother myself with the details right now.

Emily, Laura and I go to Laura's. "Okay what time did he say he was going to pick you up at?" Emily asks as Laura gathers some snacks.

"7:00." I lean on the counter and Laura's mouth drops releasing a gasp.

"That means we only have 3 hours?!" Laura exclaims.

"That's plenty of--" I'm cut off as Emily drags my hand up the stairs, assumingely, towards Laura's room with Laura and the snacks right on our tail.

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