Chapter 1

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Nothing he could do to stop it... Nothing at all... But what if there was? Mitch snaps his eyes open and looks around, breathing heavily. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, so he quickly wipes it away with the back of his hand. He takes a deep breath and looks down next to him at the empty spot. She was gone. He had to face that he couldn't do anything about it. After a few minutes, Mitch slowly stands up. His muscles were aching from the vigorous workouts he had been doing the past few weeks to get his mind off Katrina. He was supposed to be resting his leg that had gotten caught in the crossfire, but Mitch knew that the pain he felt would just get worse if he stayed still. None of the pain in his leg compared to the pain he felt in his heart. Every day he had to live with the question, could I have done something? But that was just a rhetorical question. The only thing that mattered to him now was justice.


"Is he awake?" An inaudible voice whispers as Stiles slowly starts to regain consciousness. Stiles fully opens his eyes and sees that the voice belonged to his best friend Scott.

His head pounded. Whatever they had done in order to get the nogitsune out of him and kill it had left Stiles weaker than ever.

"Well my eyes are open." Stiles remarks, trying to keep up his humor, even though he felt terrible.

Lydia lets out a small laugh, but Stiles could see that it was obvious they were worried about something.

Stiles sighs and slowly props himself up against a pillow on the couch. "I can't believe I-" he starts saying but quickly gets interrupted by Scott.

"No Stiles. It wasn't your fault. You were possessed. There was nothing you could do about it." Scott puts his hand on his best friend's shoulder. "You can't blame yourself."

Stiles looks away, letting his eyes wander to a stitch in the pillow. "I killed her Scott... And now I have to live with that."


Mitch walks over to his computer and sits down in his chair. He carefully places his hands on the keyboard and starts typing.

Dear Irene,

I have thought about your offer. I believe that I will be able to perform up to your standards. I have worked hard to train myself and am ready for whatever you have planned. I'm looking forward to working with you.

Mitch Rapp

Mitch sends the email before thinking twice about it and leans back in his seat. He was going to do this. He was going to work with the CIA in order to bring justice to what happened to Katrina. Of course, they would be oblivious to this fact.


Physically, the next few days were rough for Stiles. He had many pounding headaches as well as muscle aches from the lasting effects of having a possessed demon inside of him. He was constantly monitored by either his dad or one of Scott's pack, although it was mostly Scott. He would come by everyday after school and give Stiles his homework, or tell him stories about something that happened that day in school or in the pack. Stiles dreaded the days when the pack had to go fight off a monster or something evil. Stiles wanted to be in the action so badly. Mostly because when he was at home alone, all he was able to think about is when he pulled the trigger. He knew that it wasn't him and he kept telling himself that, but he remembered everything about what happened that day, even how he felt. He explains to Scott one day after school, 

"I remember everything. I remember how much I wanted to kill. So badly. My heartbeat was completely steady, and I didn't even have to second guess myself. My finger just pulled the trigger faster than I could process. And the worst part is that I remember loving it. Every damn second of it." Stiles could feel tears forming in his eyes as he says this to his best friend.

Scott reaches over and hugs him tightly. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes and Stiles realized that he was trying not to say that it wasn't his fault like he had so many times. Scott now knew that Stiles knew that it wasn't his fault but he still felt badly. Scott pulls away and looks Stiles in the eyes.

"It'll get better... I promise." He says, his hands on Stiles's shoulder.


A week had passed before he had gotten the call. Mitch picks up the phone expecting Irene, but instead he is met with a man's voice.

"Hello?" Mitch answers.

"Mitch Rapp correct?" The manly voice on the other end replies. Mitch thought it sounded like a middle aged military sergeant. Before he could say anything back, the voice speaks again. "My name is Stan Hurley. You will refer to me as Sir, and only Sir, understand?"

Yup, he was definitely some kind of military sergeant.

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Now listen. In the next few days, your life is going to change. Irene has showed me a few of your videos. You have potential... But you're not ready." Mitch could feel his heart sink. "However," Stan sighs as if he were deciding whether to put his dog down or not. "Irene has insisted you train with me."

Mitch could feel his heart start to beat faster. Before he could say anything, Stan spoke again.

"There will be a car picking you up tomorrow morning at 05:00. Do not be late." Stan says then hangs up before Mitch could get a word out of his mouth.  

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