Chapter 4

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Mitch paces his small bedroom, contemplating the decision he had just made to potentially murder his brother. He had done plenty of jobs for Hurley before but this was different. Mitch couldn't make up his mind. He was frustrated, sad, and just plain confused. However, he had told Stan he would get the job done. So that was what he would have to do. 

Mitch sighs and sits down at his small desk, pulling out his phone. After unlocking it, he goes into his email. Hurley had already sent Mitch everything he needed to know about the target. There was a weird word next to the name. Mitch looks at it trying to figure out what language it was in. He sighs after a few minutes, not being able to figure it out, and he settles with the 'Stiles Stilinski' name that was printed next to the unknown word. Mitch raises an eyebrow curiously. Why would anyone ever name their kid that? He wonders if he had been in this guy's family, he would have been named something weird like that. He shakes that thought away, and scrolls down the screen to the number Stan provided him with. He stares at it for a few seconds then sighs. He couldn't do this without knowing more about the target. Mitch types "Stiles Stilinski" into his phone. He scrolls through some other Stiles Stilinski's, but none of them were his guy. He raises an eyebrow confused. This guy had to have another name then. He clicks back onto the email Stan had provided him. Looking through it, he realized that the word he had seen before was the target's first name. "Mieczyslaw". Mitch laughs to himself. This was even worse than Stiles. He clicks back onto his browser and searches the new name. Mitch clicks on the first website, which is an article about a place named Beacon Hills. It was titled, "Beacon Hills' Sheriff Stilinski and his son help solve the murder of Laura Hale." He sees a picture of the boy who looked exactly like him except with short, spiky hair. Just like Mitch had had before Katrina had died. Next to the boy, was a picture of what Mitch guesses is his father, the Sheriff. Mitch raises an eyebrow, wondering how this boy could have planned a mass murder, when his father was the sheriff. Mitch bites his lip and reads through the article. It was about how Stiles and his best friend, Scott McCall helped the sheriff figure out that Laura Hale was killed by someone named Kate Argent. Mitch shakes his head and keeps searching the boy.

After about 20 minutes, Mitch still hasn't come up with anything that made this boy, Stiles, suspicious. There were no crimes committed, he didn't have a record, and everything that came up about this boy was innocent. He went to Beacon Hills High School, he played lacrosse, got all A's, and other than his attendance record, he was clean. Mitch sighs and exits the website, frustrated. Mitch looks at the email again and at the number Hurley had provided him with. Mitch knew that if he argued with Stan, saying that he thought this boy was innocent, Stan would just tell him that he was wrong, and that they didn't have enough time to argue. He would just give this case to the authorities. Mitch knew that wasn't what he wanted. He also knew that Stan had gotten this case just so that Mitch could have his revenge. He had to keep it. Mitch sighs and clicks on the number. After a few minutes of ringing, it goes to voicemail.

"Hey this is Stiles and you missed me, leave a message." Mitch waits a few seconds until he hears the beep.

"Stiles Stilinski. You are in grave danger. Leave Beacon Hills as fast as you can." Mitch says before hitting the end button. He leans back and puts the phone down on the desk, relieved, yet completely regretting what he had just done. He had just gone behind Stan's back for a guy he didn't even know.


Stiles listens to the message left on his voicemail. It sounded weirdly familiar, but Stiles pushes away that thought and turns to Scott in shock. Scott looks at him confused. "What?" he asks.

"I-I don't know... Listen to this." Stiles says, handing the phone to Scott and pressing play on the voicemail.

"Stiles Stilinski. You are in grave danger. Leave Beacon Hills as fast as you can." Scott turns to Stiles, his eyes wide.

"What the hell..." Scott says then looks at the number. "It's unknown..."

Stiles nods a bit. "I know..." He takes a shaky breath, not wanting to say what he said next, "Do you think this has anything to do with the Nogitsune?"

Scott looks up at his best friend and bites his lip. "Stiles... We don't know that yet. It could just be someone prank calling you to be funny." He hands his phone back to him. Stiles could tell he was just trying to be optimistic. 

"Yeah... But we don't know that either." He sighs, taking his phone back. "Scott, what if this is real? What if someone actually is out to get me?"

Scott looks his best friend in the eye. "Stiles. We'll figure it out. I promise." He pats Stiles on the shoulder then finishes taking off his lacrosse gear.

Stiles watches Scott for a few minutes before getting himself undressed as well. Scott was probably right. It probably wasn't anything to worry about. Plus, he had some werewolf-coyote, kitsune, and banshee friends to help him out if he was in trouble. 

Sorry it's so short!! I'll update soon I promise! Leave a comment on how you like the story so far and if you would like more. Thanks so much for reading!

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