Chapter 2

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Stiles wakes up to his alarm. First day back at school. It was going to be interesting. He had prepared himself for all of the looks he was going to receive from people in the hallways. The story was that Stiles was going on a trip with his father and got shot when there was a surprise mass shooting that injured many and left one dead. Stiles found it hard living with that story, knowing that he was the one who had actually injured all of those people. And killed one. The Nogitsune had been smart and made sure that no one could trace the person back to himself. No one would ever know that him, Stiles Stilinski, had killed a person... Or so he thought.

Stiles walks through the blue doors of the Beacon Hills High School. He was wearing his favorite blue hoodie and jeans. Scott had suggested earlier that he wear something nice so he felt more comfortable. Scott was always right next to him for support. Stiles kept his head down the whole way to his locker, not wanting to glance up at anyone in the hallway. As Scott acted as his eyes and led him through the groups of high school students that were staring, a few of them run up to Stiles and asks if he was okay. Stiles just nods and shrugs, muttering that he was fine. Guilt became one of his greatest enemies. It only weighed him down, making him feel ashamed for what he had done.


05:00 rolled around. Mitch was standing in his driveway, waiting for a car to pull up. He had everything packed and ready in a small backpack. He always packed light, however he was not quite sure how long he'd be away, but he knew that in order for this mission to be successful, it would take a while. His long brown hair blew in the wind. He was ready to be an assassin. He knew it with all of his heart. He was going to get justice for what happened to Katrina. 

Lost in thoughts, Mitch almost misses seeing the black mustang with tinted windows pull up to his house. He quickly grabs his backpack and walks over to the car. The window of the passengers seat slowly goes down. Mitch sees a man in the driver's seat, dressed in black clothes and sunglasses, although Mitch quietly notes that it wasn't a sunny day whatsoever. The man had a small pink scar running from his forehead down to his right eyebrow. Mitch wondered how he had gotten it. On the passenger's side was a woman. Unlike her partner, she was wearing a conservative white top with a black skirt. Her black hair went down a few inches past her shoulders as if it were cut to be exact with a ruler. Mitch guessed she was Irene. Her expression was grim, yet Mitch could see there was more to her, underneath her business look.

"Help him." Irene says, not taking a glance back to her partner who was already opening up the door of the car. Mitch stops him.

"No need. I can carry my own bags." He says confidently, not wanting to seem suspicious. Mitch opens the door to the back and climbs in, placing the backpack next to him. He needed to guard that backpack with his life. He was going to need it later.


Stiles goes the whole day of school without losing it completely. Every time he walked into a classroom, the teacher would first ask him how he was feeling, and then give him what he had missed from the two weeks he was out. However, one teacher asked him to share with the class what had happened, because the mass shooting was such a 'historic event'. Stiles had hesitated for a minute before saying that he didn't feel comfortable telling them and sat down quickly. He hated this. He didn't feel like himself at all, even though he didn't have something possessing him anymore. He couldn't make any sarcastic remarks because he was too freaked out to talk to people in the first place after what had happened. He hoped that the fear would soon go away and he could just be normal again.

Stiles feels someone hit his elbow. He turns around to see his best friend standing next to him, looking up with excited brown eyes. It immediately cheered Stiles up.

"Hey man, you ready to get out of this place?" Scott asked, looping his thumbs through the straps of his backpack.

Stiles laughs a bit and nods. "Hell yeah. I call driving." He says, pulling the keys out of his bag. He felt like he hadn't driven his jeep, Roscoe in forever. Scott wouldn't let him drive to school because he claimed that Stiles shouldn't, considering  the mental state he was in. Stiles had tried to argue back, but knew he was going to lose and let his friend drive.

Before Scott could answer, Stiles runs out of the blue doors and to his jeep. Scott laughs, then follows him.


Stan Hurley was one of the most intimidating guys you'll ever meet. Mitch decides this as he stands face to face with the tall, balding man in front of him. His face just screamed experience. He looked like he had been to hell and back. Mitch felt his heart skip a beat as Stan walked closer to him, looking him up and down, taking everything in. Mitch kept his calm and confident composure, not showing any kind of weakness. He was ready for anything this guy would throw at him. After a few seconds, Stan speaks.

"What makes you think you can make it through my selection process?" His voice was deep and rough and filled with intentional intimidation. However, Mitch wasn't intimidated. He was prepared.

"Permission to speak Sir?" Mitch asks politely, knowing this guy meant business.

"Sure, go ahead, you've got something to say? Like this is all a mistake and you want to go home. You wanna go home? Go ahead, get the fuck out of here. I'll drive you."

Mitch could tell Hurley wanted to get on his nerves. He knew that he had to show him that he was meant to be here and that he was going to live up to his standards. He answers without a beat,

"Well sir, I was just going to suggest we just speed this whole thing up." Mitch says, shrugging while keeping eye contact with Stan. "My guess is that if we go hand to hand, you can probably figure out inside of 20 seconds if I have what it takes to make it through your selection process." He says confidently yet staying humble, truly believing every word he spoke. "So... What do you think?" He asks.

Stan stops for a few seconds, staring at Mitch. Mitch could see his expression soften up ever so slightly, maybe showing that he was interested in what Mitch had to say.

"There's a cot on the left inside. Be ready for training tomorrow morning."

Mitch nods, knowing he got approval. He could feel inside of him wanting to thank the man, but he knew that he had to keep his cool.

"Okay." Was all he replied with, then starts walking toward the door. Suddenly, he turns around to face Stan. "Hey I've heard a lot about you. I'm excited to see what you've got." Mitch smirks ever so slightly and then turns around and walks into the house. 

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