Chapter 9

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Mitch gets pulled by Ghost up the stairs. He was in too much shock to think about what was happening. Ghost pulls Mitch through the building and out the door. Mitch could see that the place they were held in was some type of asylum, however, that wasn't what he was most worried about at the moment. As they get outside, Mitch stops running. He turns towards the asylum and breathes heavily. He could feel Ghost behind him stop right after he did.

"Rapp! What the hell are you doing?? Let's go!" Ghost yells.

There was something holding Mitch back. He shook his head.

"I-I can't..." His voice trails off, his gaze not moving from the building.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ghost groans frustrated. "This place isn't normal. We need to get out of here and tell Stan what happened."

Mitch shakes his head again. "No." He finally turns to face his partner. "I can't leave him." Mitch takes a deep breath. "I want to know more. H-he's my brother..."

Ghost walks over to him and grabs his shoulders. "He's not. Look, we came here to kill him. Because he killed your fiance right? Well that's what we tried to do and that's what we tell Stan. Because if we tell him that you let it fucking get personal," Ghost scoffs. "You're a dead man."

Mitch looks down at the ground and then back up at Ghost, his expression hardening. "I'm not leaving."

Ghost shakes his head, giving up. He takes his hands off of Mitch and walks backwards. "Suit yourself." Ghost turns and runs away from the building.

Mitch watches him leave and then slowly turns toward the asylum. "What the hell am I doing?" He asks, quietly under his breath. Suddenly, he feels someone reach behind him and hold a cloth over his mouth and nose. Mitch started to fight back but slowly felt himself begin to lose consciousness.


Mitch slowly opens his eyes. The first thing he notices are the harsh lights. He puts a hand up to cover his eyes.

"Too bright?" A voice provokes. "Good."

Mitch removes his hand from his eyes to reveal the tall figure in front of him, Derek. He lets his eyes adjust for a few seconds before speaking.

"What the hell do you want with me?" Mitch grunts, moving his hands a bit to confirm that there were indeed handcuffs on his hands.

Derek shrugs. "I don't know, maybe we just want to figure out why you want to kill Stiles so badly??" He raises his voice.

Mitch looks up at the other boy, his face not showing any emotion. He was good at that. "I don't want to kill him anymore. I just want to talk."

Derek scoffs. "Talk about what? Stiles already told you why he shot your fiance."

Mitch shakes his head. "This doesn't make any sense. How the hell are werewolves real? How is that even possible? If you think for one second that I'm going to believe some shit like that you're wrong."

Derek rolls his eyes, pulling up a seat in front of Mitch and sitting on it. "You know, you remind me a lot of Stiles in some ways... Others, not so much."

Mitch looks the guy up and down. "No shit. We're somehow related." Mitch scoffs and looks down at his lap.

Derek looks at Mitch, studying him.

Mitch looks up when he realizes. "What the hell are you looking at?"

Derek just shakes his head. "Nothing... Look, can you tell me about your past? Your childhood?" He asks, being surprisingly gentle.

Mitch shakes his head. "There's not much to tell... My parents died in a car crash when I was fourteen. I started to have discipline problems." He looks down. "I was kicked out of three boarding schools, bounced around from one foster family to the next." He looks back up at Derek again who was taking everything in.

Suddenly, the door opens. Mitch looks around Derek to see Stiles, in a sling, with Scott next to him. Derek stands up.


"Stiles, you should be resting right now."

Stiles keeps his eyes trained on Mitch. "No. I need to talk to him." He looks over at Derek and Scott. "Alone please."

Scott shakes his head. "Remember what happened last time?"

Stiles looks his best friend in the eye. "I'm serious. I'll be fine." Derek and Scott share a look and then sigh, and walk out of the room.

Mitch suddenly starts to look around frantically, like he hadn't realized where he was until now.

Stiles walks over to him, and takes the seat the Derek once had, and looks at Mitch who was busy taking in the room around him.

"Where the hell am I?" Mitch asks.

Stiles looks at Mitch. "You're safe. I promise." Stiles reassures the boy.

Mitch finally makes eye contact with Stiles. Stiles could see something he had never seen before behind Mitch's eyes. It almost seemed like hope and trust. It was all quickly replaced soon after as Mitch starts to speak again. "Why'd you do it? Why'd you have to kill her?" His voice starts to raise.

Stiles shakes his head. "I didn't have a choice. I'm telling you, it wasn't me."

Mitch scoffs. Stiles could see the pain apparent in his face. "Bullshit. You actually expect me to believe you were possessed by an evil spirit? It's just not possible. So until you give me actual reasoning, my mission is to kill you."

Stiles looks at Mitch, feeling bad that this was so hard to understand. "I know this is hard to understand... and believe, but my story is the truth. I am so sorry that your fiance got caught in the middle of it. I genuinely am, but it wasn't me who killed her."

"I saw you on the tapes. It was you I know it. So don't fucking lie to me." Mitch glares.

Stiles sighs and stands up, realizing he wasn't going to win. He takes a deep breath. "I am so sorry for your loss." He says before walking out of his bedroom and closing the door softly behind him. 

Sorry it's so short! I literally have no idea where I'm going with this story lol so if you have any suggestions leave a comment. 

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