I love you (part 1)

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This was not a request but I wanted to write what their first "I love you's" would be like

Archie POV

Oh my god. I need to sleep. I have school in 2 and a half hours and I have 3 hours of football practice after school.

I've never had any problems sleeping, until her. Veronica Lodge. The source of my sleepless nights, and not in the fun way. Ever since I realized that I'm 100% stupidly in love with her I cannot fall asleep. Or eat. Or think about anything or anyone else. I came to the realization of my love for her a week ago when we were laying in my bed watching Greys Anatomy.

1 week ago
I refuse to admit this to Veronica, because she will most definitely say 'I told you so, archiekins', but I'm officially obsessed with this show. "Okay let me get this straight. That McDreamy guy is married?!" I said looking down at Veronica hoping she would deny it "That he is, Archiekins. That he is" She says looking up at me. I slam my palm on my forehead and say "This is so wrong. This doesn't work how did this happen". I feel Veronica laughing on my chest and I look at her. And I mean really look at her. Her eyes smile with her mouth. Her dimples poke in her cheeks. Her beautiful laugh fills the silence. I feel my heart go faster. This is it. I know it is. I'm in love with this girl.

Despite the exhaustion, I smile at the thought and I feel the part of the bed that Veronica took up that day. 3:45. Screw it. I won't be sleeping tonight.

I get up and I change into gym shorts and I put on my running shoes and I slowly head out the door. I have no destination, I'm just running. How do I tell her? Does she feel the same? When do I tell her? I know I need to do it soon. I haven't slept in a week. It's eating away at me and she needs to know. I hope to god she feels the same way.

Veronica POV
5:30. My alarm blasts in my ear signaling that I need to get up for school. I groan and turn it off. I pick up my phone and I roll on my stomach across my large king sized bed. I see a text from Archie and I smile and open it:

A: morning beautiful, Pops after practice?

I smile wider and respond with

V: most definitely. See you in the lounge, xoxo

I get up to shower and I let my mind wander to Archie. I've never felt this way about a guy. I used to just use hot guys for sex and arm candy but Archie, as hot as he is, is different. I don't want to screw this up. Which is why I'm waiting for him to say I love you before I say it to him. Despite me wanting to scream it from the rooftops, I can't get hurt again. So I just need to wait for him. Which is hard because Archie is the most indecisive person I've ever met, but that's for another time.

Archie POV
At 7 I'm waiting outside my house for Betty so I can ask her what I need to do. As my mind goes crazy I hear Betty step outside and I look up at her. "Archie no offense but you look exhausted" she says with concern. I groan and rub my eyes "yeah I am. Veronica had me up all night-" I start but Betty quickly cut me off "Archie I don't need to know what you and Veronica did ALL night" she said cringing slightly "NO, god Betty not what I meant. I was thinking about her. In an appropriate way" I explain mortified, wishing I could take back ever starting this conversation. "OH well is something wrong with you guys" she asks urging me to keep talking. "Betty you have to promise me that you won't tell Veronica what I say, please. I just need advice" I plead, hoping she will break girl code and not tell her best friend what her boyfriend is hiding. "Okay Archie. But I swear if you hurt her I will-" she starts getting louder "SHH. And no I didn't hurt her I just-" I pause, knowing I can't take this back once I say it, "-i love her. So much, Betty". I keep my head down despite hearing Betty gasp and grab my arm "that's amazing Arch. V is so good for you I'm so happy about this-" she stops herself and looks at me "-why do I seem happier than you" she asks. "No I am happy. I love her. But I'm just terrified to tell her. What if she doesn't love me?" I ask, the thought of Veronica not loving me breaks my heart. "Archie, Veronica has had feelings for you since she moved here, she stuck by your side after your dad was shot, and when you became the teen American Psycho she was right there by your side. If that's not love then I don't know what is." She says patting my shoulder. She walks away in the direction of her locker and I smile to myself. She had a point, maybe Veronica does feel the same way.

Pls let me know what you think ❤️

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