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Archie's POV
It's Christmas Eve and it's mine and Veronica's first time hosting people in our new house. We are inviting Betty and Jughead over for Christmas Eve dinner and we have some pretty big news to share with them. Veronica and I are getting married, I proposed last night. I was planning on asking her on Christmas but last night was too perfect not to.

The night before
"See this is why we should've decorated our house weeks ago, not December 23rd" Veronica says throwing a plastic ornament at me. "I never said you couldn't" I say laughing at her. Veronica and I decided to decorate our house tonight but it turns out to be more difficult than we anticipated. We're still trying to assemble our artificial tree, let alone decorating it, and decorating the mantle, and foyer, and kitchen, etc. "Archie it's not this hard to put a tree together" she groans. "Babe I'm trying" I say defensively. "Wait don't-" Veronica starts but it's too late, the top of the tree falls off again and hits my head. Veronica falls to the ground in laughter and I toss the top of the tree to the side. "Yeah Yeah laugh it up" I say rubbing the top of my head. "Awe my poor baby" she coos, still laughing, but getting up to hug me. She pulls my head to her chest and I wrap my arms around her. "If we can't even put together a tree how are we supposed to be married, or have kids. Kids like Christmas trees and you managed to almost get killed by one" she says laughing. "Kids?" I ask looking up at her. She places her hands on my cheeks and looks at me confused. "Yeah.... do you not want kids?" She asks. "No no I do. I just didn't think you did" I say, trying to hide my excitement at Ronnie wanting kids. "Well I'm not having kids with my boyfriend" she says. I remember the ring that I still conveniently have in my pocket. I stand up quickly almost knocking Ronnie over, "Okay careful, speed demon" she says standing up too. I pull the ring out of my pocket and hold it up. She looks at it and her eyes get wide. "Archie is that-" she asks but I cut her off. "Yes. Marry me" I ask smiling at her. "No" she says bluntly. "" I repeat shocked. "You're doing it wrong. Try again" she says. I realize I'm still standing up like an idiot so I drop down on one knee and I grab her hand. "Veronica Cecilia Lodge. Please marry me?" I ask looking up at her. "That's better" she says with tears in her eyes. "Yes I'll marry you" she finishes. I put the ring on her finger and I quickly stand up and lift her off the ground and kiss her. "I love you" I say as I set her down. She smiles at me wide and says "I love you too."

The present
I smile at the memory and I look over at Veronica. She's in the kitchen making lasagna, because Jughead loves the lasagna Veronica makes. "You know usually people have ham for Christmas" I say loud enough so she can hear. "Shut up we're having ham tomorrow, and besides Jug got to pick dinner. It's not my fault he loves my lasagna" she says as she puts it in the oven and comes to join me on the couch. "What are we watching" she asks sitting on my lap. "The game is on" I say wrapping my arms around her waist, instantly forgetting about the game. "Boring" She says as she clicks the tv off, "we can play our own game. Our much more fun game" she says as she leans in to kiss me. "Hmm this is more fun" I say into the kiss as I pull her closer to me. She smiles a bit and kisses me harder. We shift so Veronica is on top, straddling my lap and I'm on my back. I move my hands from her waist to her ass and I give it a slight squeeze. She gasps a little and leans more into the kiss, her body rubbing against mine. As I slip my hand into the bottom of her dress we hear the door bell, "no!"
I groan. She laughs a bit and kisses me one more time before getting up to open the door. "Please come back. They can wait" I say getting up to follow. "I'll make it up to you tonight" she says rolling her eyes. She pulls the door open and Betty and Jughead are standing there. "Hey V" Betty says leaning in to hug Veronica. "Hey Betty. I've missed you" She says hugging her tight. Betty pulls away "I've missed you too. Hey Archie" She says coming to hug me. We finish our hellos and they come in and sit on our couch, where Ronnie and I were making out 2 minutes ago. "I love the furniture you guys picked" Betty says looking around the room. "well Veronica picked, I just agreed" I say laughing a bit. "Well she has better taste than you so that was probably a good thing" Jughead says. "Thanks guys" Veronica says handing Betty wine and Jughead a beer. "So what's new" Betty asks sipping her wine. "Well..." Veronica starts. "We do have something to tell you guys" I finish for her. They look at us weird and Jughead rolls his eyes "don't tell me she's knocked up". Veronica laughs "Nope, not yet. So get excited Uncle Juggy" She says laughing. "I actually proposed" I say smiling. "And I said yes obviously" Veronica adds, holding up her left hand showing her ring. "Oh my god this is amazing, guys!" Betty exclaims. "Yeah it's about time" Jughead agrees smiling. "I'm so happy for you" Betty adds while hugging Veronica. Jughead comes and hugs me and then Veronica. "So did you set dates or anything?" Betty asks sitting back down. "Oh no it just happened last night" Veronica says looking up at me. I smile at her and she smiles back. I can see my whole future just by looking at her face, and I have been able to do that since high school. It's crazy how far we've come. "Jug you'll be my best man right" I say, interrupting the conversation I had no idea they were having, probably because I was too distracted by my beautiful fiancé. "Yeah definitely" he says giving me his trademark smirk, "oh and Betty, my maide of honor" Veronica asks smiling. "Yes. Absolutely" she says holding Veronica's hand. "Guys I'm so happy for you two" Betty says smiling. I smile back at her and look at Ronnie who is looking at her ring, and I smile wider. I don't know why I make her so happy, because I'm honestly not deserving of her. She makes me happier than anything I've ever known and it's still impossible for me to understand how I have that same effect on her. "Dude" Jughead says, snapping me out of my train of thought. I notice that Betty and Veronica have left the room and Jughead gives me a look. "Dude, you don't need to stare at her forever you know? You have the rest of your lives, you could at least give me some attention" he says pretending to be hurt. "Yeah well looking at her is more fun" I say standing up. "What's that supposed to mean" he asks smacking my shoulder. I laugh and roll my eyes and join my bride to be at the dinner table, like I'll be doing everyday for the rest of my life.

This was somewhat based off of a request so I hope you guys like it, I just added a few things

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