This is wrong... Right? (Part 3)

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Veronica's POV
I'm sitting at my dining room table waiting for Reggie to get home. Should I tell him? No. It would ruin our marriage. And I do love Reggie. But Archie was my first love, and still is the love of my life. But that doesn't mean that Reggie means any less to me. I hear the front door open and I turn around and see Reggie walking in. "Hey babe" he says smiling. "Hey. How was work?" I ask smiling. "It was good. You left early this morning, did you and Archie get a lot done" he asks, walking into our room. I widen my eyes and quietly clear my throat. "Yeah. We uh- we did" I say. He walks out and joins me at the table, "so what's for dinner" he asks leaning to kiss my cheek. "I ordered steaks from food service" I say smiling at him.

We sit and eat in silence but I can't help but think of eating with Archie, usually our food gets cold before we're even done because we can't stop laughing. His phone rings and he picks it up and gets into a long conversation with a business associate. "I have to go. Business" he says standing. "But we're eating" I say surprised. "I know but it's important. I'll see you tomorrow" he says kissing my cheek and then running out the door. "Of course" I whisper to myself. I hear my phone ringing across the room and I get up to check it. Archie Andrews. I sigh and press answer.

A: Hey Ronnie, can we talk?
V: Sure I guess, come over Reggie won't be home till... tomorrow

There's a short pause

A: Yeah uh okay. I'll head over now

20 minutes later I hear a knock at the door and I stand up. I take a deep breath and pull open the door, revealing Archie. "Hey" I say bluntly. He smiles slightly and walks in. "You came back to the Pembrooke" he says. I nod "yeah. It's just easier" I say awkwardly. "So we need to talk about today" he says turning around. "Yeah we do" I agree, looking at him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" he starts but I cut him off. "That fact it happened wasn't the problem" I say "the problem was that..." I continue but I pause. "That it was good... felt right" he finished for me, stepping closer. "Archie this is an affair. It's wrong" I say shaking my head. "Something that feels this good can't be so wrong" he says tucking my hair behind my ear. "I know you, Ronnie. You're not happy" he says shaking his head. "I'm... happy" I correct him. "No you're not. You're in a loveless marriage. But I love you. You wouldn't have this with me. We'd be truly happy" he says cupping my face. "Why are you saying this" I ask tearing up. "Because it's the truth" he whispers. I look up at him and I let a tear fall and he wipes it away with his thumb. "You're wearing the wrong mans ring" he whispers. "What do you expect me to do about it, huh?" I ask narrowing my eyes. "Leave him" he says bluntly. "What?!" I ask him, clearly shocked. "You two may be in love, or you were at least. But you and me, we've been in love since the 10th grade" he says with a small laugh. "Where is Reggie" he asks. "Working" I say. "Working at 11:30 on a Friday night?" He asks with narrowed eyes. I look away and nod. "See Veronica. If it were you and me, no business would get in the way of me and you spending a Friday night together in bed" he says turning my chin to look at him. "What's stopping you" I ask looking at him. "The other mans rings" he says holding my left hand. I pull my left hand out of his hand and I rip off my wedding band and my engagement ring and toss them on the couch. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me in, pressing our lips together. I put my hand in his hair and kiss him back roughly.

I don't care.
I really don't care.

I smile into the kiss and I jump up to wrap my legs around his waist. He wraps his arms around my butt and pulls me to him tightly. He pulls away so he can see where he's walking and I lean down and kiss his neck, biting down lightly. "Ronnie" he groans as his grip on my ass gets tighter. He sets me on the dresser, knocking everything on it onto the ground. I pull his shirt up off of him and toss it onto the floor and he unbuttons my silk grey blouse and kisses my chest, leaving hickeys along the tops of my breasts. He slides my blouse the rest of the way off and throws it to the ground. I move my hands from his chest down to his abs and wrap them around him, pulling him closer into the kiss. He slides his hands into my pencil skirt, pulling it up a bit. I unbuckle his belt and feed it through the loops till it's free and I toss it on the floor. He pulls away and looks at me "are you sure" he asks breathlessly. Am I sure? I look at him and our position and I smile. I haven't felt this alive in years. I kiss him again and say "Yes, I'm sure."

I wake up to my phone ringing and I shoot up quickly. My phone is in the living room. I look next to me and Archie is asleep peacefully and I'm full of guilt. "Shit" I whisper to myself. I gather the sheet and wrap it around myself and run to my phone. Reggie:
"Shit" I whisper, again

V: Hey baby
R: Hey babe, how'd you sleep?
V: Oh I slept... Great
R: that's good. I'll be home in a few hours
V: oh okay. I may not be home, I have to work. I'll see you tonight if I'm not.
R: okay baby. Love you
V: ..... Love you too

I hang up the phone and toss it on my couch and start crying. "Veronica" Archie says. I wipe my eyes and turn around. "Are you okay" he asks. I shake my head "I have to tell him" I say sniffling. I walk up to him and cup his face in my hand, using my other hand to hold up the sheet. "I still love you, so I'm gonna tell him" I say. "I hate that I'm breaking you guys up, you made vows" he says shaking his head. "Archie... maybe I loved Reggie once but we haven't felt like that in years. You're right, I'm not happy" I say. "The last time I was truly happy was before we broke up after college" I finish. He smiles and leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back and then pull away, "okay but you need to go. Reggie will be home soon and I need to tell him" I say. He nods and goes in my room to get dressed.

He comes out minutes later fully dressed and ready to leave and I feel upset. I pout at him and he laughs "we can be together soon" he says as he kisses my forehead. I smile at him "Bye" I say hugging him. "Bye" he says as he's about to walk out. "Archie" I stop him and he turns to face me. "Yeah?" He asks confused as to why I'm stopping him since I just told him to go. "I love you" I say smiling. He smiles back and says "I love you too."

Here is part 3. There will probably be 1 more part and that will be tomorrow (Christmas Eve) but I will not be updating on Monday (Christmas Day) there will not be enough time for me to write due to family stuff. I'll update again on Tuesday, maybe twice. Anyway Merry Christmas to all of those who celebrate it 🎄

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