Ch. 5 Kidnapping

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Normal pov

It was around 5am when an alarm went off in the house and shadow's hand turned the annoying thing off, he felt sonic snuggle his face more in his chest fur which made him smile. Shadow gently untangled himself from his lover and got out of bed and grabbed his uniform and head for the shower, after the shower and brushing his quills and teeth he came out in his commander uniform and saw sonic cuddling his pillow which made him smirk. Shadow shook his head while heading over to his lover, he gave sonic a kiss on the head which earned him a smile "bye love see you later" shadow whispered and left the room. Shadow went into his home office and unlock his gun safe and put his gun in his holster and relocked the safe and went downstairs but he stopped halfway when he saw that TV in the living room was on. Putting his hand on his gun he quietly went into the living room seeing Mephiles sleeping on the couch with his stuffed hedgehog.

Shadow's pov

I raised my eyebrow and went over to him, I shut the TV off and gently picked him up "mmm shadow" I looked down and saw him looking up at me "mourning mephiles" I said heading up the stairs and heading into mephiles room "what time is it?" "Around 5 in the mourning" mephiles nodded and yawned while I put him in his bed and tucked him in. "Why are you up so early shadow?" I chuckled "Going to work, I'll be back around 5 in the afternoon, um meph did you hear anything last night?" I asked while blushing. "No" he mumbled, I chuckled "see you tonight meph" but I noticed he was already out I rolled my eye's and walked out and closed his door and went into the kitchen to make me some coffee and after locking the house I headed to my car when I heard russleling in the bushes. I froze and turned towards the noise but only saw a deer which calmed my nerve's and headed towards my car and drove off to work.

Normal pov

When shadow drove down the road the bushes moved and came out the silver naga, his glowing yellow eye's looked around and slithered across the yard and climbed a tree and peered into mephiles's window and saw his love sleeping in his bed. He carefully opened the window and used his tail to carefully lift mephiles up and brought him into his arms, he then slithered down the tree and looked down at his prize. Mephiles yawned and snuggled into the naga's chest fur which made the naga smile, he looked towards the sky and saw the sun coming up and started heading back into the woods towards his village with his mate safely in his arms.

Sonic's pov

I heard birds chirping outside the window which brought me out of my slumber, I stretched out and sat up and got out of bed and headed for the shower, after getting my shower taken getting dressed and brushing my teeth I went downstairs and starting making breakfast for me and mephiles. I remembered what me and shadow did last night and it made me blush with a smile on my face I just loved that hedgehog, I snapped out of my trance when I noticed the eggs almost burning 'crap' I mentally cursed. After I got the table set and got food on the table I went up stairs, "mephiles" I knocked on his door and I didn't hear anything "mephiles?" I opened the door and gasped I saw mephiles not in his bed and the window was open. I quickly ran to shadow's office and logged into his computer for the security cameras, I clicked for the one in the backyard. I watched some creature coming into the backyard and into the tree and taking mephiles out of his room and going back into the woods, I grabbed the phone and called GUN. "Thank you for calling GUN how can I direct your call" "yes I need to speck to Shadow the Hedgehog please its an emergency".

Shadow's pov

I signed my name on a document and put it in a file and then moved on to the next one, I looked up when I heard a knock at the door and saw my old partner and best friend Rouge "hey sugar I brought you some more coffee and a bagel" she said while setting the stuff down. I nodded to her saying thanks as I took a sip of the coffee. Rouge sat on the side of my desk which earned her a glare from me but she rolled her eye's, I was about to say something when my phone went off I picked it up "Yes" "Sir I have your mate on the line and he says it's an emergency about your brother" my eye's widen "put him threw" rouge heard and she had a worried look, I gave the same look back then I heard the phone beep "Sonic, what's wrong what happened to mephiles?" "Shadow something took mephiles from his room I checked the security camera's and it was some kind of creature I don't know what it was!!!!" my mate yelled. My eye's widen and I went on my computer and logged into my home security footage "what camera sonic?" "backyard" I clicked the footage, me and rouge watched the creature taking my brother from his room then going into the woods. I growled and signed off my computer "sonic I'm coming home right now wait for me" "ok shadow" we both hanged up and I left my office with rouge on my tail "shadow I'll get the other's and meet at your house ok" I nodded and signed off and headed for home. Who ever or what that thing is it messed with the wrong hedgehog and his family.

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