Ch.6 Naga Meeting

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I'm so sorry about the very late update I've been having severe writer's block plus working and being lazy so here's another chapter and don't worry there will be another lemon soon and this time its with mephilver


Mephile's Pov

My ear twitched to the sounds of birds chirping outside 'damn birds' I thought and rolled over and snuggled into my fur pillow and blanket. 'Wait what'!! my eye's snapped up open and I shot up and saw I was lying in make shift bed made of bear hide and covered up with deer hide blanket, I looked around and saw a medium pool of water. There was small fire in the middle of the cave with meat cooking over it I also saw pottery and different items here and there and a cloth hanging over the cave entrance. 'Where I am'? I was about to get up when I heard something or someone coming toward the entrance, I quickly laid back down pretend to be still asleep. I heard the cloth moved and a chuckle from the person and coming closer to me, my heart beat starting racing but calmed down once I felt the person laid their hand on my cheek.

"I know your awake Mephiles" the person chuckled and my blood ran cold, he knew I was awake and knew my name. My eye's snapped open to see the creature from my dreams standing right in front of me I quickly got up from the bed and backed away from him, "who are you and what am I doing here" I questioned hitting the wall of the cave. He looked surprised of my question and started coming closer making my blood run cold again, my heart raced the closer he got which made me close my eye's and my ears fold down "please don't eat me" I begged turning my head away. I soon felt his hand on my cheek which made me peek one eye open seeing a worried face of the creature. "I would never do that to a beautiful being" he said while rubbing my cheek which turned bright red from blushing at his words, my heart fluttered but I shook my head "who are you" "you don't remember me we meet when we were kids remember?" I looked down and tried to remember him but I couldn't, I shook my head "I don't remember I remember I hit my head when I was a little and lost some memories" I explained. Which made him frown, he leaned in pressing our foreheads together, before I said anything I suddenly had flashback when I was 5 years old.


I was playing tag with shadow in our backyard, I was panting trying to catch up with my brother so I can tag him but he was to fast. I stopped dropping to my knees trying to catch my breath "can't keep up little bro"  taunted shadow with a smirk but turned into a frown when I sniffed, he rushed over kneeling in front of me "h-hey mephiles its ok I was just kidding". I smirked and tackled him the ground "gotcha big brother" I giggled sticking out my tongue playfully sitting on his stomach. "Shadow let's go I have to take you to karate lesson" we both looked over and saw our dad standing at the back door. Both of us got up and I waved by to shadow and dad then walked to our little playground but then heard a noise by the bushes "who's there" I called  but got no response so I just shrugged my shoulders and started to climb onto my playground set then I heard the bushes moving I whipped my head to the bushes and saw another kid hedgehog poking his head from the bushes. He saw me looking at him and he yelped and dove back into the bushes "h-hey wait" jumping down I ran to the bushes but he was gone, pushing the bushes aside I saw a trial which I followed. I kept following the path till I got to an clearing, looking around for the other but there was no sign of him. Just when I was about to leave I suddenly saw him peaking from behind a tree, "wait" seeing that he was about to leave again. He froze looking a little scared, I can see him trembling, "it's ok I won't hurt you" I said putting my hands up to show I was no threat. He came out of the bushes and I gasped when I noticed that he had a snake tail instead of legs, he was still kind of scared of me so I decided to introduce myself to him "hi my name is mephiles what's yours"? "m-my name is s-silver" said silver. After a bit he started to warm up to me and we started chatting about both of us, I found out he's not to far from here in a village. We soon became friends then turning into best friends, but sadly I got into accident which caused me to lose some of my memories' and lose my time with silver.

End of Flashback>>>

I gasped when silver pulled away from me after showing those memories I sadly lost, I looked at silver and slowey reached a shaky hand and placed it on his cheek "silver it's really you" he smiled and placed his hand over mine "its me love" he said while turning his head and kissing the palm of my hand. When he did that I blushed big time, I couldn't keep myself from crying any longer and tackled him in hug "I missed you so much silver" I cried into his chest fur, silver smiled and hugged me back bringing me closer to him and started to pet my head to help calm me down.

Silver's pov:

I held mephiles in a protective embrace wrapping both of us in my coils, I pet his quills to help calm him down. Soon his crying turn into hiccups and sniffles but he was calming down, soon I felt him nuzzling into my chest fur purring softly, I wiped away the remaining tears from his checks. He looked up at me and he had a blush on his cheeks which I found adorable, I brought him closer and pulled him into a kiss that made him gasped. I felt him melt into the kiss while wrapping his arms around my neck bringing me closer to him, soon our kiss turned into a heated make out session. I pulled away from him which made him whine but it turned into a moan when I latched onto his neck biting and licking leaving hickie's all over his neck marking my territory, showing people who he belongs to. Pulling away from my little blackberry(I don't know a cute nickname for mephiles lol) to see his face all red and panting, his eye's had lust in them but I held myself back from taking his innocence, for now. But mephiles had other plans when I felt something poking my lower stomach, looking down I noticed there was a tent in his pants "someone's excited" I smirked looking back at mephiles. He seemed confused at first till he looked down and his face lit up like a tomato and he hid his face in my chest fur, "I'm sorry" with a voice low and his ears pinned back. Chuckling I brought his face up and kissed his forehead "Its alight love it happens but" I said while laying him back down on the fur skin "would you like help getting rid of it" I said with my most seductive voice I can manage. Again his face lit up and looked away, I first thought I asked to soon but then I hear a soft "yes please" from my little blackberry, well this gonna be fun.


I'm soooooooooooo sorry for the extreme late update I have sever writer's block and I've been busy helping with fixing my work that got hit by a major flood and finally got back to work. my next chapter will contain the lemon       


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