Chapter 11

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Harry's P.O.V.

I was driving to Niall party. 

I decided to just go because i need to see Dakota.

I don't know why but its just something about her.

Shes so pretty and her smile just lights up my dark and fucked up world.

I finally arrived at his house. 

To say this party just started its crowded in here,

Ha. Niall always throws these awesome parties.

"Hey Harry," some girl waved at me.

"Hi um have you seen this girl named Dakota,"i looked around.

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

Well fuck you too.

I turned around and saw the door open. 

I decided that when she comes Ill just kiss her no questions asked.

There she was just like that. 

I walked right up to her and kissed her as planned.

I smiled into the kiss and asked for permission.

But she denied. It was cute though. 

We were both smiling. I pulled away to breath and looked her in the eyes.

"Do you want to go on a like date with me,"I chuckled.

"When," she blushed.

"Tomorrow," I sighed.

"Great,Can't wait,"she laughed.

She walked away and I chased her and held her hand.

"What are you doing,"she giggled.

I love her laugh, its cute.

"Holding your hand,"I told her.

"You know we aren't dating yet,"she told me.

Yet, it made my heart beat because I have a chance with her.

"I'm gonna get a beer,you want one?"I asked her.

"You already know the answer to that,"she laughed.

I left her standing there and got the beer.

I turned around and I saw some dude talking to her.

I wanted to walk straight up to him and punch him but I refused.

I walked up and pulled her into me.

"And you are?"I told him.

"I'm Brian, and you are,"he started yelling.

"Her boyfriend so you can walk away now,"I barked.

"Whatever dude,"he exclaimed.

"So I'm your girlfriend now,"she smiled.

"Not yet, I didn't ask you yet"I told her.

"We will talk about it on our date,"I laughed.

I was happy that i was making a change in my  life.  

She was going to make me a better person. 

Eventually  she stopped  smiling and looked at me.

"What if Eva trys to kiss you or even worse have sex with you would you let her," she spoke quickly.

I looked at her confused.

"Who the hell is Eva and why would i do that do you not trust me," I spoke in disbelief.

"I trust you i just don't trust her shes a bitch," she looked down.

I walked away to look for this Eva girl if she was here.

I don't know why Dakota would act like that.

She must truly be a a prick.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

I cant believe it.

Its actually happening again.

Authur's Note

So for now on we will be updating on friday since we have school. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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