Chapter 4

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"What are you doing in my room," I yelled.

"To tell you why I'm doing all of this I know it's not exceptable but I just had to do it ," Eva told me quietly.

"What do you want Eva," I snapped at her.

"I just wanted to say sorry about everything that happened at school and at the park last night, " Eva went on.

"I knew you were dating cameron and I shouldn't have kissed him in front of you."

"You also kissed him in the park," I barked at her.

You aren't a good friend.

"I know I'm not but I wouldn't be here if I wasn't a good friend," Eva smiled.

"Your full of bullshit Eva, you think you come in here and say sorry and think I'm gonna accept your apology, then your wrong.

You kissed my boyfriend right in front of me. You lucky I don't beat you up again, " I yelled at her.

"I said sorry but it's whatever!,"Eva hollered.

She left right after that. She thought I was gonna forgive her.

I glanced at the time and it read 7:00am.

I quickly brushed my teeth and took a shower. I put on ripped jeans, a random shirt and some vans.

I got a text for Karla and she said she's outside.

I dashed out the house to tell Karla everything that happened.

"I got to tell you something," I yelled at her

"What,'' she anxious said.

"I woke up and Eva was in my room. She was telling me bullshit how she was sorry and she didn't mean to kiss Cameron in front of my face," I smirked.

"I would have fucked her up already," Karla said laughing.

We arrived at the school. I could see Cameron eying me but I just ignored.

Me and Karla had homeroom together so we went to our locker and  went to homeroom which was Civics.

Our Civics teacher was soo good-looking.

He kinda looked like that niall kid.

While he was teaching, I was bored so I decided to roam the halls.

I asked Mr.B and he said sure.

I went to drink some water when I heard a someone call my name.

I looked up and it was that Harry kid.

"Hey , I just want to say thanks for bailing me out," he smiled.

"Sure , it's nothing," I laughed.

"Anyways can we talk sometime,"  he wondered.

"Umm I barely know you soo no," I snapped.

"Huh , playing hard to get I see," he laughed.

I just rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I'm just tryna be nice here,"he teased.

"Your such a tease,"I smirked.

"Come on , I just want to get to know you," he mentioned.

"Plus your kinda cute," he added.

"Fine," I told him.

We exchanged numbers and went our seperate ways.

"What an idiot," I whispered to myself. 

I got back to class and Mr.B started yelling at me .

He's so bipolar but he's good looking.

Homeroom was finally over. I waited for Karla and walked with her to our next class.

We got like half our classes together.

"So , you know that Harry dude I was telling you guys about," I explained.

"Yea well we were talking and we exchanged numbers," I shrieked.

"You guys would make a cute couple. I mean you guys are both bad," Karla ended.

We walked in math class and guess who was sitting down .

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