Harry was sitting in the back room.
"Guess who sitting next to where your sitting," Karla laughed.
"Ugh why is he in my math class,"I whispered to Karla.
I walked to the back of the room and sat at my usual seat.
"What are you doing here,"I snapped at him.
"This is my math class,"he barked.
"How come I never see you here then," I smirked.
"I skip class all the time duh," he joked.
I just ignored him.
I couldn't help but stare at him. He's really good looking.
Math class went so slow. I wasn't really paying attention.
All of a sudden, a note came on my desk.
I looked at it and it read:
I could see you staring at me.
I replied by saying:
Is it a problem?
1 min later the note came back.
Hell no, it was never a problem.
I just looked at him. He's such a babe.
Math class was finally over. It was lunch time and I was hungry.
I felt somebody hand touch my waist. I turned around and it was harry.
Imma call you later.
Whatever. He such an idiot.
I told everyone at the table about everything that happened during the day.
"So she was in your room when you woke up," Nash asked.
"Yep and she tried to say sorry to me," I laughed.
"I cursed her out and she just left,"I explained.
"So what about that Harry kid," Ella asked.
"There's nothing going on between us," I smirked.
"Yea right, I saw him staring at you," Karla butt in.
"Fine, I just think he's cute that's it," I blushed.
"I see you blushing," Karla smiled.
"Its nothing, " I giggled.
I didn't want to talk about Harry anymore.
Lunch was finally over and I had science class.
Of course, I'm sitting in the back of the classroom.
Niall was sitting by himself.
I wanted to get to know him more.
"Dakota right," Niall asked me.
"Yea why," I laughed at him.
"I just want to say thank you," he smirked.
"No problem, I knew you were gonna get suspended," I confessed.
"You were gonna miss me wern't you," he laughed.
Yea whatever.
"So are you okay I thought you were a bad boy yet your sitting here alone," I smirked.
"Im perfectly fine whats up with you why arent you up there," he sighed.
"Yo bro like loosen up," I nudged him slightly.
He laughed and the sound was wonderful. How much I would kill to hear it again.
What the hell am I talking about.
"You have an adorable laugh," I pointed out.
"Thanks, you too," he flirted.
He's such a flirt.
Ella was in my science class and she kept looking over at us.
"I will like to get to know you more, so can I get your number," he asked me.
" Sure," he exclaimed.
We exchanged numbers and returned to our assignment.
I felt eyes staring at me.
It made me blush. He was cute with his blonde hair and blue eyes.
Science class was over and now we got Language Arts.
I walked to Language Arts with Nash and we entered the classroom.
My heart dropped.

Choose Me
FanfictionI'm Dakota. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I'm not afraid of anyone and I'm not the one to mess with. I'm smarter then you think and I'm not afraid to start a fight. I'm a real trouble maker. I don't fit in with the rest that's why they both wante...