Her sadness is her Demons

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~A few days Later~

Knock Knock knock!

I opened the door and saw Zane holding red roses.

"Hey.. Umm.. I was thinking..could we hangout??." Zane said scratching his head.

"No Zane. After the whole incident I don't think we should get together that easily.....We need time.." I said.

"Y/n please.. Please don't do this to me.." Zane said holding my hand and I threw it away.

"I said no! I just can't!!." I slam the door in his face then reopened it.

"I'll take the flowers thank you.." I grabbed the flowers and slammed the door.

*sighs* Sorry Zane..I need to recover. I'm sorry this happened.. You didn't even let me explain.

Zane's POV

~At the park~

"WHY?! UGH!."  I said as I kicked a stone through a tree.

I felt a tap and turned around.

" WHAT?!?!." I shout.

"Umm.." I opened my eye and saw Travis and Dante.

"Oh hey. What do you bozos want??."

"I..umm we.. Wanted to talk to you..about y/n." He said

"Why do you need Dante here?? He isn't part of this." I stated.

"He's here for company Zane. Nothing else." He said.

Travis's POV

OK...deep breath...

"Zane..do you know the reason why Y/n doesn't like to talk to you??."

"She hates me.." Zane answered.

"No.its not that.. Its you..not letting her explain what ACTUALLY happened." I said holding his hand.

"Umm..Travis..Your hand." He said.

"Oh. Sorry..You must know.. You shouldn't act so physical when you don't know the reason or the truth why she actually kissed or Accidentally kissed that boy." I said realising my grip on his hand.

"*sighs* But she--." I cut him off by putting on finger above his lip shushing him.

"Shush. She's my cousin..and I don't want her to be like this. You must help her. Help her gain her trust on you again." I said lowering my finger.

"I-I'll try.." He said.

"Do it for her...OK?." I said and I heard shutters of cameras and saw Dante taking pictures of us.

"Dante." We glare at him.

He pressed a button on his phone and ran away. Oh please don't send that to Aphmau...

I turn back and looked at Zane.

"I'll talk to her too..don't worry.." I said as I left.

Ms.Hanna's POV

"Oh sweetheart..You don't have to be like this...you know..how it makes you feel..." I said calming her down.

For Irene's Sake! She's in her demon form!!

"He doesn't love me! He treated me like trash! He didn't even listen to me!!or even let me explain.." Y/n cried as ice surrouned her.

"Y/n!! Stop. Please!." I hugged her but the ice didn't stop.

The clouds were gloomy and it started to rain hail.
Travis get here quick please...

Garroth's  POV

Where is he?!? *hail falls* "OW!!." 

I ran to the park and saw Zane above a tree covering himself.

"Zane!." I ran through the hail.

"Garroth??." He came down and pulled me to a shed.

"What is going on?!?." He questions.

"Its y/n!! I got a text from Travis and he Needs us! All of us!!." I said.

"But how are we gonna get through this hail???!?!. Its not like we can take the roof off------oh." He looks at me.

Yep. I ripped off the roof of the shed.

"Now let's go!!." We both ran with the roof behind us, covering us.

When we got to y/n's house, it looked like Elsa's frozen Castle! Then a lightning hit a tree, burning it.

"Timber!!!." A voice yelled and we moved a away from the direction the tree was falling.

We turn and saw Laurence,Aphmau and Travis.

We all ran to her door but it was ice jammed.

"I'll handle this!." I broke the door down instantly!

Zane's POV

There she was...


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