A little Trouble

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"So what does that leave you hmm? Y/n??."

"I'm a nobody...." She wraps her arms around her while looking down the sand.

"You're no nobody...You're mine." I knelt down and hugged her which led Travis to taking pictures of us.

I felt a smile creep up her face and she looked up to me. She giggled. Then her smile turned upside down.
She stood up growling.

Y/n's POV

I looked up to Zane and smiled. My eyes narrowed to his neck and I saw blue hair and yellow eyes. I stood up , out of the grip of Zane had and began walking towards him, slowly turning into my form.

"Y-y/n?." Zane and Travis said behind me.

I remembered him.. That hot garbage! ((Whoever wrote that in the comment box before, made me laugh and fall of of my chair.))

I felt my skin changing into another color and so do my eyes. The guy stared at me and fell to the ground due to my changing of form.

Travis's POV

She's changing!!! I looked at what she was looking and saw a boy similar to Liam but he has a white streak on his blue hair.

Y/n kept on changing as she approached him. I ran in front of her but I was pushed down by Zane.

"I'm going to do this..  Not you.." He said as he turned to y/n.

"Zane! She's in her demon warlock form! You can't pull her put of it that easily!." I shout but Zane ignored it.

Zane's POV

I got to do this...she healed me once and I'm going to heal her too.

"Y/n.. Listen to me. Listen to my voice."

No answer but growls.

"I know you think its him... Just.. Stop."

Again, growls.

"I'm here for you...just please...stop. Its not him... Its someone else.." I tried to stop her but she kept going.

"Its him.." She growled and pushed me away but I didn't budge.

"Everything's gonna be alright..." I said hugging her.

She stopped and shook her head side by side.

"Z-Zane?." She was out of her form and fainted.

Travis caught her and carried her.

"*sighs* At least she's alright..." Travis said.

"Let's go..." I sigh.

??? POV

What an idiot she is. All I need now is to wait for the rest of them so that we can take revenge on her. She deserves it. After turning our lives into pieces of garbage.

Y/n's POV


"Just go away you piece of garbage!." Evelin threw me out of the house.

"Evelin! That's OUR daughter for goodness sakes!." I heard dad call out to her.

I ran away in fear. Fear I'd be back to torture. Fear of being her little doll.
I ran to Liam's house.

"LIAM! LIAM! Help me please!." I knocked on his door.

I twist the knob and it was open?
I head up upstairs to his room and heard kissing noises. It can't be.. I opened the door and saw him and my stupid enemy classmate.
They were making out! I slam the door behind me with anger and sadness. I heard Liam call out to me but I ran as fast as I could. I went to the only place Where I could stay alone and dad would know where to find me. To the woods.

There was a big flash or light and I'm at home in my rag dress.


"Dad!!!!." I scream in pain as Evelin tortured me.

"Your poor little daddy ain't here. He's out with that ugly wolf , Alpha. And I'm stuck with you!." She whipped me with her belt.

I scream in pain.

"Shut up!." She kicks me to a wall.

She hits me with a wine bottle. The shards fell into my skin making me scream more.

"Y/N!?!?!." I heard two male voices as my vision blurred a little.

Someone picked me up.

"Sis.. You're going to be alright.. That wicked witch will pay." My brother comforts me.

My vision came back and I saw dad arguing with Evelin.

"YOU LITTLE S**T! HURTING MY DAUGHTER WILL COST YOU MORE THAN YOUR LIFE! YOU F***ING PIECE OF S**T!!!." Dad screamed at her face then slapped her.

"I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC FAMILY EVELIN!." Dad shouted as we ran to the car.

Dad drove off to a familiar house. There stood a woman in a police outfit.
Dad ran out with Alpha and I ,to her.

"Dale!." The woman ran to him and hugged him while Alpha still held me in his arms.

"She's going to help sis..." Alpha said stroking my hair.

"Where's y/n?." She asked.

Then her eyes narrowed to me.

"OH MY SWEET IRENE! That little monster!." She took me out of Alpha's arms.


She cleaned up my wounds and gave me clothes that actually fit me!

Another flash came upon me and their was fire everywhere!

"Y/n!!!!." A deep voice yelled. I saw it was Zane.

"W-whats w-wrong?! What happened?!." I asked.

"You did this!." He yelled hugging dead little girl in his arms as tears fell.


"Look at yourself! You did this to our friends! Our family!." He points everywhere.

I see everyone barely alive and me in my form.... Travis stood there at the opposite side of where I was. He attacks me using his form. Luckily, I block it.


"I didn't do anything!!." I say.

"This is all your fault y/n!! Everyone's dead because of you! And now.. I will end you myself! Like I should've in the past!!!."  He slashes me.

Before, he could finish me, a bright light shown.


"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!." I scream as my friends surround me.

"Y/n..." Travis came beside me and I backed up.

I'm scared... Really scared. I'm scared that everything's my fault. The reason my family died. The reason Zane was away from me. The reason I was separated from my mom.

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