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He picked me up and he flew me right in the air while making circles happily. He wasn't wearing his mask so I could see him smile so much.

He then put me down and twirled me one more time and grabbed my waist. He put Hus hands on my waist and we gazed at each others eyes.

"I love you y/n..."

"I love you too Zane.."

Then our lips connected. We kissed! I put my arms around his neck while he kissed me. I heard everyone aww. I even heard sniffles.. We pull away to see a crying Garroth.

"My brother is in love!!." Garroth cried tears of joy.

We both smiled and everyone came and hugged us.

"I'm so happy for you..." Aphmau said while letting go.

"Thanks guys..but why did it have to be a little scary?." I asked while looking at Zane.

"Well.. It was going to be a simple but NO~! Aphmau had to make it just right for you and Zane. And we ended up to this..." Aaron said.

"Hehehehe." Aphmau giggles.

"Alright..where to?." I ask.

"We need to wait here for a second. I asked someone to do something special." Zane said.


Everyone was watching the sunset right now. Everyone has been cuddling their partner but no~! Katelyn had to punch her partner.

"Don't try me!." Katelyn said as he warned Travis.

"Ewk." He did his little warcry.

Then it became dark.

"Its getting dark guys..." I said and they didn't listen.

Zane side hugged me and I put my head on his shoulders.

Suddenly ,there were fireworks. They had different colors but one firework made me surprised.


I aww'ed at it. Zane kissed me on my cheeks.

"I love you silly." He said.

"I love you too." We watched fireworks and I realized it was Kawaii~chan who set them off.

"Eekk!! My OTP'S!!! MORE FIREWORKS FOR THEM!!." KC shouts-squeal.

I smile at it. Soon my eyelids grew heavy. I was getting sleepy.

Zane's POV

I looked at the fireworks with everyone else. Suddenly, I heard a little snore. Wait.. Its y/n. I look at her and she's asleep. She has a cute little cat face when she's this drained. I carried her bridal style and told the guys I was leaving. They all nod.

I was walking while carrying y/n to my car.

"ZANE! Can I come with you??." Garroth asked.

"Yeah. Ok." I said while placing y/n in front of the car seat while Garroth sat behind us.

We drove off. Oh gosh.. Its really long have we been there?

My eyelids grew heavy. The road was getting blurry. Luckily, I stopped the car before anything could happen.

(Were you expecting something else? I know...I know.. You wanted me to crash them right? Well. Guess what? I'm not adding that....YET))

"Hey baby bro..want me to drive?." Garroth tapped my shoulder and I nod yes. I was getting tired already...
We switched places and then drove off.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Garroth's POV

I switched places with Zane because he was tired. Finally, we arrived. Both Zane and y/n was asleep. Hmmm...
Maybe give Zane a little shake and he'll wake up..
I grabbed Zane's shoulder and said quietly..


"GAH!." Both y/n and Zabe woke up.

"What the hay Garroth!." Y/n punched me on my shoulders.

"Ow.." I rub it.

"Why did you have to wake us up that way?!?." Zane said angrily.

"I'm sorry guys.. But its late and I don't want to carry you both one by one inside... Jeez." I said as I got out of the car.

Both y/n and Zane got out too. Y/n head straight in her house and Zane stood there in shock.

"What just happened?." He asked.

"Nah.. She's just tired..." I said.

"Maybe.." Zane said as he walked right in our shard home and I followed.

What an amazing day we had....

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