The Holidays

760 21 24

~2 months later~

"Zane wake up already!." I poked his face.

Yep. He moved in.

"Nooooooooo!." He pulled the covers up and neglected me.

"Come on Zuzurella.." I said and he woke up.

"Don't call me that please!." He said.

"Awww....Someone's grumpy...Do you need a hug??." I said opening my arms up for a hug.

"Stop with the Doc Mc.Stuffins lines.." He got up.

"Fine.." I walked away and opened the door.

Suddenly, a pair of arms were on my waist, Swaying me side to side.

"Hey...don't leave.." He said in my neck.

"I won't leave... I'm always here for you.." I said as I turned around and gave him a peck.

"Now. I need to go and cook breakfast OK?." I said and he released me.

I head down and made some pancakes and laid it on the table with some hot cocoa.

"FOOD'S READY ZANE!." I shout and he came down.

"Thanks mom!." He jumped in his seat.

We both laughed at out childish ways.

"Hey Zane.."


"Its Christmas!."

He groaned, " There shall be no Crid Mas In this house!."

I giggled.

"Cheer up Zane.. This is the time of the year you give and receive gifts." I said.

"But Crid mas.. Is boring." He said.



I love decorating the house. Hehehehe. Thanks to the guys for helping me with this too.

"Hey y/n! Its time to put the star!." Katelyn said.

Where's Zane you ask? He's eating the Christmas Treats that Kawaii~chan was baking.

"Hey!." Kawaii~chan shouts.

"Sorry KC!!." Zane ran out of the kitchen and bumped into me.

We both fell to the floor.

"Getting treats again eh?." I looked at him smirking.


He put me on his shoulders and handed me the star

I smiled at him and put the star on the tree and it lit up.

Zane put me down and held me close to him.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey Handsome.."

We gazed in each others eyes.

"Ahem.." Aaron sound.

"H-huh?? Oh.. He he." We both said.

"Alright love birds. Let's make this Christmas awesome. With a picture." Katelyn said.

"Y/n.. You know what?."


"I love Christmas. I get to spend it with you...and only you." He said as he kissed me.


"W-wait?! You caught that?????." I asked

"Yep! All the love birds did it too! Well.. Travis and Katelyn were umm..Having a staring contest." Kim said

"Just let me kiss you! For once! Please!." I heard Travis.

"No!." Katelyn said.

We all turn to them.

"Please..." Travis begged.

" no."Katelyn

"Just kiss him!." I yell and Katelyn glared at me.

"No. Get your pesky cousin to stop being so flirty!." Katelyn said.

"He's born that way. Only..You can change him..." I said.


"Mommy! Dad!." I heard Garroth shout and we look at him.
I saw a woman with black hair and light blue green eyes and a older version of Garroth.

"Gargar! Zuzu! Pea!." The woman hugged the Ro'maeve boys.

Then, she released the boys and hugged me.

"Y/n..." She looked at me.

"Umm.. Hi??." I waved nervously.

"Do you recognize me?? Or him?." She asked.

"Z-Zianna?." I said.

"Yes. One of Your Dad's closest friends." She said.

"Guys. You know my mom and my dad. Garte Ro'maeve and Zianna Ro'maeve." Garroth Introduced them.

"Good afternoon Ma'am and sir." Everyone greet.

"Just call us Garte and Zianna." Garte said.

Everyone nod in agreement.


"Hey Y/n. I want to talk to you before the party starts. Is it OK?." Zianna Asked.

"Mom..were watching a movie.." Zane said.

"Eek! *clears throat* I need to borrow her for a second OK Zane??." Zianna said.

"But mom.." Zane whined.

I stood up.

"Its OK Zuzu. I'll be back in a few OK?." I said and we walked into the kitchen.

"So. Y/n. You're dating Zane aren't you??." Zianna said trying to control her inner fan girl.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Aren't you scared of him? Maybe just a bit??." She asked.

"No...well...umm. Maybe a tinsy bit. I'm afraid he'd go back to hurting me." I said as I looked down.

"I won't.. I promise you. I'm here for you." Zane appeared and hugged me.

Then, that's where Zianna exploded and fainted.

We both giggled and laughed. We looked at each other.

" Y/n.. I will not hurt you again. I swear to Irene. If I break that promise...I will kill myself. " Zane said.

"No. Don't kill yourself.. You have something to live for..."

"Like what?." He asked.

"Your friends, your family and.......Your mom. Help her will ya?." I said as Helped Zianna up.

"W-What happened?." She asked holding her head.

Zane and I looked at each other and smirked.

"Nothing happened." We turn to her and she just smiled.

Holidays with the guys are great.. When you have someone to love..

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