Chapter Three

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"What is weird?" Jackson asked.

"The email says 'Consider this a token of good faith from our part' and there is an attachment."

"Well, open it and lets see what it is," Jackson urged her.

Maila clicked on the attachment and waited until it loaded. Internet could be so slow some times, the terrain of the Amazon forest was not helping. She flipped the phone to the side so the picture would cover the entire screen to see more clearly. It was the picture of a scroll, it was still very difficult to read the calligraphic written out words on her phone screen.

"This is impossible," she barked, "where is my tablet."

Jackson handed her the tablet. "You are welcome," he said with irony dripping all over the words.

"Thanks honey. Sorry, it's the tension of the day, now lets give this a closer look on my tablet, shall we?"

"This looks like a prophecy." Jackson said scratching the top of his nose.

"Of the undead no less," she added and started reading out loud.

The Prophecy of the Undead

When the sun has risen and has fallen, when the bloodstone has been found and placed in the stream.

The forgotten, the unseen shall rise, held captive by its whimsical whispers.

The golden breath holds the key.

The key holds the light of life.

Death shall roam the earth.

Black clouds shall ascent from the skies.

Only the beast can set them free.

Only then the full moon shall sink upon the bloody sea.

"Thanks to our soon to be allies we know what we are up against," Jackson said.

"How do they know?" She said while reading the scroll once more to make sure she understood every last word of it.

"Their emissary left while you were on your hunt, maybe he saw something," he offered.

"That is a possibility, but it could be that they are involved. I wouldn't put it past them. Their emissary was here when I first caught the smell." Maila said going over the timeline in her head.

"Should we inform the generals?"

"It's just a prophecy, we should look into it a bit more before spreading havoc in the Kingdom," she said. "Summon Tobias, let's see what he has to say about this so called prophecy."

Jackson got his phone to send a text to Tobias but before he could do so she stopped him. "I prefer that you go and bring him here, the subject is too delicate and I wouldn't want curious eyes catching wind of this."

Jackson looked at her and the crease between his eyebrows was now a straight line.

"I want to be cautious. The creature was in the area that I hunt. Only a handful of wolves know where I hunt," she explained. A loud growl escaped Jackson; if his mate was threatened -he was threatened.


The young werewolf Queen had not reacted to his email. Vladimir was sitting on top of a tower roof, enjoying the quiet ambiance that floated through and touched him at his very core while he waited.

In an hour the Vampire play would be starting and he was utterly, completely, uniquely disinterested in the event. He was not eager to participate in any of the events for that matter, but he had to keep up appearances not to alert the humans.

A whiff of sweetness tickled his nostrils. He turned and was taken aback when he saw the red headed girl, that was unaffected by his charms, balancing herself on the castle wall ledge.

Was she crazy? Did she not value her life? If she miss stepped she would certainly fall to her death. If this happened that would mean police, investigators, the works.

Well, not on his grounds. She was welcomed to be as reckless as she wished when she went back to wherever she came from. He swiftly got up and reached her side within seconds.

"What do you think you are doing?" He whispered to her ear.

A scream escaped her as she jumped from surprise and was trying with all her might not to fall off the ledge.

Vladimir placed his hand on the small of her back and steadied her.

She jumped down from the ledge, placed her feet firmly on the stone pavement along the castle walls, her face was red as if she was about to explode.

"I must say red does not suit you darling. You look like an overripe tomato," he voiced flatly.

"Are you mad? You nearly killed me!" She shouted at him.

"I nearly killed you? You are the one who was carelessly balancing on a ledge twenty meters off the ground, and I am the one that nearly killed you?" He snapped back.

"I was just fine until you came along and decided to scare the living crap out of me," she told him firmly with her index finger pointed at him.

"Is this not the purpose of this whole endeavour," Vladimir said as he moved closer, so close that his cold breath brushed her cheek, "you paid to get scared by me if I am not mistaken, and I am never mistaken."

"Arrogant much?" She hissed.

"Apologies, did you say something?" He challenged her.

She looked at him as if she was sizing him up. Her eyes not faltering even for a second from his. Vladimir was feeling excited for the first time in the last one hundred years of his mundane life.

"Yes I did. I said you should be apologizing for being so arrogant and rude. You almost made me tip over the ledge," she said strongly.

"Just playing my part, my sweet Rose."

"Oh my, can you be more corny?"

"I can try if you wish." Vladimir replied with a smirk on his face.

"Um, no thanks. I should go find Amber she will be wondering where I am," she rushed through the words in on breath and ran off away from him. Rose could not get away fast enough. Her gut was telling her that something was off about him.

Word count: 1016

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