Chapter Ten

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Vladimir placed his hand on the mantle and watched the logs in the fireplace as they burned themselves to ashes, splinters crackling and flying about like mini fireworks.

"The daughter of Mars," he mumbled to himself.

"Told you I'm not normal," she paused and fixed the pillows on her back, "so, on a scale 1-10 how freaked out are you?" She said wiggling her eyebrows at him trying to lighten the mood. It wasn't everyday that you met the daughter of a god.

"I don't do freak out," he said flatly.

"Hmm," she examined him through narrowed eyes, "and why is that?"

"I am a Vampire dear or did you forget?" Vladimir answered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you are Mr. Vampiros," she laughed at his statement.

He turned around with a smirk on his face, "Let me get this right, you are claiming to be the offspring of a banshee and a god, a godshee as you call it."

"Not me, my granny," she cut him off.

"Sure not you, your grandmother. Nonetheless, I tell you that I am a real blood sucking, cold skinned, all powerful, immortal vampire and you laugh it off," he finished.

"Well, when you put it that way I guess...but my grandmother said that vampires died two hundred years ago," she explained.

"Aahh, I see where the misunderstanding came from," he sighed, "We lost the war to the werewolves that is a fact. We also were on the brink of extinction but we have since recuperated and have been doing very well for ourselves if I may say so myself," he said gesturing at his surroundings.

"Can you show me your fangs?" She asked.

He blinked twice, then took a few steps forward and sat on the bed next to her.

"You sure are a weird one aren't you," he said.

"Said the Vamp," she replied with one eyebrow raised. "Come on, don't stall. Show me those fangs."

"The lady wants what the lady wants," he mocked and bend down bearing his fangs for her to see.

"These could be veneers placed by a skilful dentist, but they do look quite real. Hmm, is there anything else you can show me to persuade me that you are in fact a vampy?" She prodded.

"A vampy? That's a first. I'll have you know little one that I am a royal vampire."

"Oh my, excuse me Mr. Royal Vampiros," she said rolling the r.

"Are you making fun of me young lady?" He asked as the iris of his eyes went from black to fire red.

Rose gasped, "You should have started with that mister."

"We wouldn't want to freak you out , now would we?" He said.

She rolled her eyes at him and they both burst out laughing.

"Don't steal my lines," she scolded him when she sobered up.

"I must protest, I merely borrowed your words."

Vladimir was enjoying his time with Rose, it had been a while since another being, human and inhuman alike, intrigued him even at the slightest degree.

"Little one, this nightmare you were having what was it about?" He asked in all seriousness.

"You didn't see?" She replied.

"No, you blocked me out."

"Did I? That's good to know, maybe I need to learn how to do that all the time and not just in the visions,"!she said scratching her head, "anyway, I'm feeling much better now I think I should go find Amber, let her know that I'm ok. We wouldn't want her to be worried." She pushed the covers off of her and sat up on the edge of the bed.

"My cerise, you must stay in bed. Doctor's orders."

"I will stay in bed. My bed," she pointed out.

"It's a pity though that the door is locked and I hold the key...," he informed her.

"Oh come on now, be a good vampy and unlock the door for me," she said as she batted her eyelashes to him.

"I will, as soon as you stop avoiding my questions," he countered, "so get back to bed and I'll go ask the chef to bring up your meal, you must be starving."

As if to confirm his words her stomach rumbled at the mere mention of food.

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