Chapter Seveteen

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Vladimir was observing Rose as she slept. She had been exhausted from what had transpired during the day. He let her sleep but they were fast approaching the Werewolves Kingdom. She needed to wake up. He wasn't ready to disturb her yet, she looked so peaceful. Her long lashes were spread across her cheeks like two crescent moons. She looked so young and pure,  not yet tarnished by the cruelty of their inhuman world.

He nudged her gently on the thigh. Her eyes flattered.

"My cerise, you need to wake up," he said.

"Mmm, five minutes more granny." She mumbled.

He nudged her once more on the shoulder, "Rose, you need to wake up. We are about to enter the Werewolves Kingdom."

She stirred, opened her left eye, "Don't want to," she said.

Vladimir was trying to contain the smile that was threatening to form on his lips. She was so cute to his eyes, so beautiful, his undead heart almost began to beat every time he saw her.

"Come on my cerise, you need to be on full alert when we arrive. I'm not the werewolves favourite vampire or species for that matter."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Let's just say that nobody would shed a tear if I were to die unexpectedly." He informed her.

"Really? But you are so smooth, so pleasant, so charming. I could have never imagined that somebody would want you dead." She said ironically.

Vladimir regarded her with a frown on his face, "Is this you trying to be funny?"

She coughed and changed the subject, "Vladimir, when you were discussing with Jioni," she stopped for a second to take a breath as he growled lowly at the mere mention of Jioni's name from her lips. "As I was trying to say, when the two of you were talking you mentioned that I have the gift."

"Indeed we did," he replied.

"I wouldn't suppose you want to inform me as well as to what this gift is?" She enquired.

Vladimir considered for a second to keep her in the dark. Surely it would scare her to know what the gift was and that she was the only one with such power. He debated with himself, she deserved to know, her knowledge of their world was limited; in the sense she hadn't any interaction with the inhuman world up until a couple of days ago. He had to make up his mind, they would be arriving at their destination in a few minutes if his calculations were correct. The gift was bestowed upon her for a reason, that meant that she was strong enough to know what it was.

"My cerise, you have the gift. The gift can be good and bad. You witnessed how just a small scream from you can cremate the undead." He turned and saw her as she nodded in confirmation. "You are the only one who can destroy the undead and remain unaffected by their attacks," he continued, "have you asked yourself why?"

"No," she confessed. She had been too preoccupied with her newly found skills that she had not stopped to think what that actually meant for her. He was right, everyone that the undead had sprayed their thorns on had ended up dead despite the strenuous efforts of the medics and wizards.

"You are unaffected simply because you are the one meant to control the Crown. The Crown has no effect on you, at least that is what I am hoping for if the prophecy is to be trusted." He informed her.

Rose's body went rigid, eyes trained on the road not really seeing what was in front of her, she forgot to breathe.

What is the Crown? The only ONE to control it is me? The Crown...Me, Rose, the half breed? Out of all the inhuman creatures on this planet I have the Gift? Come on get a grip Rose, she thought to herself as she started breathing again.

"The Crown has no effect on you my cerise. You shouldn't fear it," he said.

"It's not fear, it's more like information overload," she shrieked.

"I see," he said scratching his temple.

"The Crown for other people is dangerous and it holds great power that can destroy all of us supernatural beings. However, if I am correct, which I'm pretty sure I am, to you it will be merely a stone. Trust me."

"I do trust you. So the Crown is behind the undead? Let's rock this rock out of existence," she said trying to lighten the mood.

"No," Vladimir harshly replied. "You must not destroy the rock, the Crown I meant. If the Crown is destroyed we will face the same fate as well."
"Oh, that's good to know." She said and looked ahead realizing that they had reached the gates to the Kingdom. Five large wolves were growling at them blocking the entrance. This should be interesting, she thought.


Constantin was sitting comfortably in his throne. A sudden gush of wind burst the door open and the orange shadow entered the room.

"I see you have arrived my dear," Constantin said.

"I have my love," the shadow replied.

"I have a body ready for you," he said and gestured behind him at the petite blonde laying on a black velvet cloth on a marble table.

"That weakling is my new vessel?" The shadow angrily asked.

"With you taking over it, it will no longer be weak, my love", he countered.

The shadow engulfed the body, impatient to have a solid form once more. It took hold of the body, the orange gem shining where the heart was.

"Constantin my love, you would be so kind and help me rise to my feet?" She asked through the voice of the petite blonde.

"Of course my Crown." In a second he was by her side aiding her to stand up.

"And may ask what is the name of this new vessel?"

"Amber, my love." He informed her.

"Amber, it has a nice ring to it," the Crown replied satisfied.



Two more chapters the story will be ending!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Your comments and vote will give me unimaginable joy 😁 !!!


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