Chapter Nineteen

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The Crown and Constantin looked at each other shocked with the turn the battle had taken.

"Who is that?" The Crown shouted at the verge of hysteria.

Constantin said nothing. Any words that came out of his mouth would surely be the wrong ones that would send the Crown over the edge.

"Answer me," the Crown demanded.

"Whoever she is I will take care of her." Constantin said and dashed down the hill to join the fight.

Rose was ridding one of the werewolves, as they were much faster than her, and they made their way through the battle where she would cremate the undead. The werewolves were now focusing on dragging their dead and wounded inside the kingdom walls.

A loud groan escaped her mouth as she landed roughly on the ground. She wiped the non existing blood on the side of her face. She never bled, one of the perks of being the daughter of Mars. She turned around and looked at her attacker. It was Constantin, “you blood sucking, double crossing excuse of a brother. F*ck off or I swear I will kill you.” She spat out.

“You can try,” he said with arrogance plastered all over his face.

“As a courtesy to Vladimir I am giving you your final warning. Get out of my way or prepare to die.” Rose hissed feeling the power building up in her throat inching to be released.

Constantin ignored her warning and lashed out aiming for her neck. She wasn’t as quick as he was, his teeth plunged into her skin and a whimper escaped her. Rose was trapped under him, he had her pinned down. With new found strength she kicked him in the balls, hard.
Constantin lost his hold on her for a second. That’s all Rose needed as she pushed him off of her, rolled over and got up on her feet.

“I’ll take that as a no to my offer,” she mumbled to herself. She clenched her fists and confronted him head on. She screamed at his direction as he lunged towards her. Her scream only seemed to slow him down, she screamed louder giving an extra boost. A scratch appeared on his cheek.

“Not as powerful as you thought little girl,” he mocked her. “It takes more than a scream to kill a Vampire King.”

As Rose was about to show him just how much more power she held within her soul a loud thunder hit the ground next to him causing him to jump in surprise. A man materialised from as if from thin air next to her. The man looked at her with his chocolate eyes for a mere moment before turning his attention to Constantin.

“As much as I enjoy a good fight, and believe me when I say I do. If you dare to hurt a single strand of my daughter’s hair I will send you to Hades before you can blink.” The man growled at Constantin. Rose paled, looked at the man next to her. Her father, she finally met him. Tears were streaming down from the corners of her eyes. Her grandma always said he kept a close eye on her, she stopped believing it after a while.

“And who might you be?” Constantin said defying his threat.

“I am Mars.” He said with a booming voice as Rose stood up straighter next to him, filled with pride that this was her father. The battle came to a halt as the words echoed through the field.

Constantin fell on his knees, arms extended in front of him, “I beg your forgiveness. I did not know she was your daughter.” He pleaded.

Mars scoffed at him and turned his gaze to the Crown. He motioned her over. The Crown made its way down the hill and was now crouched down on the ground next to Constantin. Rose felt a cold hand snake around her waist and tilted her head to meet Vladimir’s tired eyes.

“What have you done?” Mars demanded of the Crown.

“Nothing..yet,” the Crown whispered.

“Leave that body immediately.” He ordered.

“No.” The Crown said defiantly.

“Are you not complying with a God’s command?” Mars pressed.

“No.” The Crown replied.

“Very well, you leave me no choice...” Mars started saying but was cut off by the Crown’s whimpering protests.

“I will do as you command my God. Just don’t erase me. I will be your loyal subject. I will be good. Please don’t erase me master.”

Mars said nothing. The Crown dragged her body on the ground and reached Mars legs were she started crying and kissing his feet. Mars still said nothing. With a flinch of his bicep he threw his spear through Constantin’s heart. A scream escaped the Crown.

“NOW.” He commanded.

The Crown’s body fell lifeless on its side. The orange mist that escaped the body formed itself into a jewel. Mars took the jewel and placed it upon Rose’s hand.

“Quiet down my little one.” He said as he caressed her hair. “I will be back. Vladimir,” he said with a stern look on his face, “I trust that you will teach her all she needs to know?”

“Of course my God.” Vladimir replied bowing his head to the God.

“You, my dear daughter, are the only one who can be the true keeper of the Crown.” He said as he gently closed Rose’s fingers around the jewel. Rose hugged him, for the first time in her life. He gently pushed her out of his embrace and vanished into thin air exactly as he had appeared.

“What if I am not good enough to be the keeper?” Rose voiced lowly.

You are,’ her father’s words echoed in her mind.

The End.



I have finally come to the end of this story.

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I really hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I have!! 😁

Thank you all for reading and sticking with 'The Gift'


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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