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"what do you mean jimin's been acting weird? he seems perfectly normal to me."

hoseok touches the tip of his toes, he then leans back and does a backward roll.

at the moment, all the guys are in the dance room for practice. they will soon be performing at some award show in like a week. so they've been working hard on their vocals, lyrics, and of course dancing.

"no no, here me out hyung. don't you think it's odd how jimin hasn't been in the room you both share?"

the red head shrugs, "he's always out and about. so what?"

taehyung sighs and leans closer, "jimin has been going to jungkook's room. and i... i always hear them giggling. and sometimes i hear some sucking noises."

an awkward smile crosses hoseok's face, he stands up and does circles in the air with his arms. "why the hell are you telling me this?"

he scoffs, done with the clueless male.

"i want you to break it up."


"yes, so do it."

hoseok does a pop lock, then some foot work. "why should i? you jealous?"

the daegu dongsaeng laughs, "what? psssh no- okay maybe."

"so who you got the hots for? chim or kook?"

a deep blush coats his cheeks and he crinkles his nose, "i'm not saying."

"then i'm not helping."

"ugh!" tae frowns and stomps away, his eyes scan around for the next victim to help the 'problem' of jikook.



the brunette turns to face the blonde, "yes hyung?"

both are making their way out of the building from a meeting the group had to attend after practice.

a cheeky smile crosses the mochi's honey dew face, he wraps an arm around the others neck and pulls his face close to his ear. "you excited for tonight?" he asks in a low whisper.

jungkook's eyes sparkle brightly, he nods vigorously and smiles his bunny tooth smile.

the leader and worldwide handsome of the group over hear them, they glance at one another with a wary expression. they decide it's best not to intervene and just stand back to make sure all is good.

taehyung on the other hand, watches them like a hawk. he frowns at seeing them so close to each other. "aish.. what are they even whispering about?" he asks to himself, sulking and leaning up against yoongi.

"hey taehyung, do you mind?"

"not at all."


yoongi moves away, causing the younger to fall sideways and slam into hoseok. "oops, sorry hyung."

the bubbly male chuckles and pats the dongsaeng's back, "you doing okay?"


"aww, is it jikook?"

tae reddens, "no... i'm upset because everyone has plans tonight. namjoon hyung and jin hyung are going out to see a movie with jackson and mark. yoongi hyung is gonna be in the studio working on a project. jikook are for sure hanging out. and you... you are probably gonna watch some boring tv. which i'm totally not interested in."

a laugh erupts from the sunshine, "i'm actually free tonight. i was just planning on taking a relaxing bath."

"awesome! we can hang together then!"

hoseok sly smiles, "you want to bathe with me?"

tae cringes and smacks his arm, "no, just.. no. you already know i like someone else. but don't worry, i'm sure jimin would like to join you."


a gasp escapes his mouth, "that was confidential... just pretend i never told you that."

hoseok grips the younger's shirt, his eyes wide, "jimin likes me?!"

"err uh... maybe... but it's not something to worry about because yoongi hyung likes jimin."

what the actual barnacles.

he let's go of his shirt and runs his hands through his red hair, his eyes flicker over to yoongi, then back at taehyung.

"so you like jungkook?"


"and jimin likes me?"


"and yoongi hyung likes jimin?"


"so who does jungkook like?"

tae frowns, "he likes jimin. And jimin likes jungkook. like i've been trying to tell you, jikook is happening in secret! except only us know."

a confused expression crosses hoseok's face, "wait... if jimin likes me.. then why is he trying to hook up with jungkook?"

"because he likes the both of you. though... he probably wants the jeon jr more than the hobi stick."


"oh hyung, you are clueless. anyways, come to my room at 8 pm sharp. we have some love ships to wreck."

hoseok watches with fright as taehyung cackles wickedly.

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