✎ nine ✐

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the performance goes absolutely perfect and according to plan. they did their dance and rap/sang to mic drop so greatly. the whole crowd of army went crazy and cheered them on the whole way through.

"let's celebrate with a vlive!" joon suggests after the award show is over.

all seven gather up in namkook's room, some sit on the floor and the others on the couch and bed. the phone is placed on a stand and facing them, the app showing they are live.

jin smiles and waves, "hello army! did you enjoy our performance?" he reads the comments and smiles more from all the yes's they are receiving.

"we really worked hard for this performance, and it did pay off because we did a great job out there. hearing all of you cheering for us made it very fun and amazing. so thank you!" jimin tells the phone, a crescent eye smile on display. he holds up a heart with his fingers and giggles.

the rest of the live stream is them talking about what other performances they enjoyed, how grateful they are for army, and other things about how life is going for them. and after a full hour, they say their goodbyes and get off.

"now let's get convenient store sushi!"

some grimace from the mention of it and others nod happily.

yoongi yawns, "i am extremely exhausted today. so i am heading off to my room for a nice nap." he turns on his heel.

"hm.. i'm actually gonna head down to the cafeteria for dinner. they are having an all you can eat american buffet special." joon explains, standing up from the couch.

the eomma of the group holds up a hand, "looks like we all have different plans. how about this... yoongi can go sleep. namjoon and i can go to the cafeteria. and the maknae line with hoseok can walk over to the convenient store to pick up some sushi?"

everyone gives nods, content with the plans for the night. they all split up and do their own things.

yoongi goes to his room and gets under the covers, he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep while hugging the extra pillow close to him. the soft scent of strawberry from jimin's hair is still on it, which makes him smile.

namjin joke around while piling their plates full of different foods and desserts.

the maknae line plus hoseok, make their way out of the hotel and down the sidewalk. darkness of the night accompanies them, as well as a sprawl of stars here and there.

"it feels so warm and cozy," jimin states. he glances around at the quiet shops and lights around them, it's the time of night where everyone is settled down and the busy streets are semi empty. his hand swings against his side, it brushes against the red head's hand a couple times. they are walking alongside each other, the other two on either side of them.

it's silent, until hoseok pops up with a question that he has been meaning to ask, "what were you two doing in the bathroom on the plane?" his eyes flicker over to kook than to tae, an eyebrow raised.

"huh? ...oh! it was nothing important."

he scoffs, "doesn't matter if it was important. tell me, i wanna knoooow."

the bunny brushes some hair out of his eyes, "we were just playing some game."

"what game?"

now tae answers, "bloody mary."

both hoseok and jimin look at one another in confusion, neither know what the heck that even is. and taekook seem to realize that as they explain,

"it's a game where you try to summon a demon lady by chanting her name in a dark bathroom to a mirror."

the mochi gasps and shivers, "why would you try to summon a demon?!"

"because it sounded like fun! but don't worry your pretty little head, it was boring and didn't even freaking work." tae replies.

they make it to the store and walk inside, the cold slices through their bomber jackets. quickly, they pick out some sushi kits they like and a drink of some sort.

taehyung and jungkook pay for their things, then they move aside and chat to each other about the game they played earlier.

"that'll be $5."

jimin takes out his wallet and is about to take out the money, but someone else is quick to pay for him. he glances up, "hyung? you know i could've payed for that."

"shhh, i know. but you are my lil jiminie and i find it my duty to buy you things."

the busan boy goes a slight red and smiles gratefully, he thanks his hyung and waits for him to get his sushi back.

all four exit the place and make their way down the sidewalk. taekook are being oddly quiet and have blank expressions.

"uh.. are you guys okay?" chim questions.

jungkook just stares straight ahead as he walks stiffly, "don't look back. she's following and watching us."

his eyes widen and he stiffens, "who?!"

"oh god, she's whispering your name jimin. she wants her baby back, hurry! give it back before she kills you." tae whispers.

the pink hair trembles all over and his throat tightens up, he tries to look all around for the said lady. "b-but i don't have her baby??"

hoseok begins to get creeped out too, but he tries to hide his fear with an unfazed look. "guys stop," he warns.


jimin completely freaks out and let's out a cry as he drops his bag and runs as fast as he can to the building of the hotel. he goes out of sight in a mere few seconds.

a sudden laughter comes from taekook as they double over and clutch their stomachs. the reaction they got was priceless.

"why are you gu- was this all a joke?!" hoseok frowns at the two in disappointment, he can't believe they scared the poor chim.

they nod and high five each other with playfully smiles etched on their faces.

"you guys are honestly the worst," the oldest groans as he picks up jimin's dropped bag and quickens his pace to meet up with the scared youngster who is probably cowering in the corner of his hotel room.

jungkook sighs, feeling guilt settle in as he watches his hyung run off. he turns to Tae, "maybe we were a bit to much on the joke."

"are you kidding? it was hilarious!" he laughs more as he remembers the reaction.

the other is about to get onto him, but a sudden snap of a twig quiets him and his eyes peer around. he sees someone crawl behind a trash can quickly, "t-tae?"


kook is too spooked to talk anymore, he grabs his friend by his arm and drags him away to the hotel. his eyes staying glued behind them, making them trip up a couple times.

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