✎ thirteen ✐

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"here let me open the door for you."
"here let me help you change."
"here let me feed you."

that and many other things are helped with, and quite frankly, jimin is becoming more and more irritated with all the constant help he is receiving from the two boys.

"ah! namjoon hyung! you gotta help me!" jimin pleads as he flops himself onto the taller male, it's just the two in the leaders room. they've come back from the trip the day after he got out of the hospital.

he glances away from his book, his glasses slide down his nose as he adverts his attention to the pink haired boy, "with what?"

"you know what! with hoseok hyung and yoongi hyung! they've been on my back ever since i left the hospital!"

a small smile with dimples comes onto his face as he runs his fingers through the others hair, "don't you like that though? with being a little and all?"

"i-i'm not a little..."

he rolls his eyes, "you aren't fooling me."

"do the others know?"

"nope, i think just me. tae and hobi are suspicious but also clueless. jin hyung doesn't really care since he still treats you like his baby anyways. and yoongi hyung... not sure. he seems uninterested."

jimin makes an o with his lips, he gets up and tries to wake up his sleepy leg, "at least-"

"there you are! it's time for dinner!" hoseok goes over with a grin and wraps an arm around the injured male, he guides him out of the room. he's clueless about the pout chim gives the leader before they leave.


"you should go and love yourself," jimin sings into the microphone with a screen in front of it. he's sat beside jungkook in the recording studio. his lips are curved into a smile as he sings with the brunette the justin song.

after the whole chorus, namjoon gives them a thumbs up and presses end record. he then lets them play around while he types something into his laptop.

jimin challenges, "let's see who can hit the highest note!"

"ooooh! you are so on!" kook smirks, he goes first and builds up before blasting a high note for a good 10 seconds.

the mochi nods in approval, he clears his throat and just goes for it. his high note lasts shorter but it's higher in tone.

"such weak notes! watch your mother!" jin says, he appeared out of no where and does some vocal exercises, then he sings and hits his high note extremely beautifully.

both boys gasp and compliment him endlessly, to which jin just smiles confidently and thanks them.

"why are the hyung's staring at you so weirdly?"

jimin turns at the younger's words, and indeed he sees sope just staring at him with both amusement and protective eyes. he awkwardly gives a little wave and smile.

"so which one are you gonna date?"

he chokes on the question, "w-what?"

their voices are down to a whisper,

"which one are you gonna date?"

"neither? they don't like me like that."

jungkook looks done, "both do."

"really?! since when?!"

the brunette sighs and places a hand on the olders shoulder, "since forever and ever."

"oh gosh... i don't know... i mean, i like yoongi hyung when i am in littlespace. but in normal space i prefer hoseok hyung."

"ahh, well i like tae tae in both spaces."

he grumbles, "good for you."

"i say you go on a date with both of them, then whoever you have more of a connection with.. you go on more dates."

jimin smiles at his friend, "that's a great idea! since when did you become an expert?"

"ever since i came outta my mom's womb."

he giggles and stands up, "here goes." slowly but surely, he exits the recording room and stands in front of sope, "go on a date with me."

the sound of a bunny cheering and an eomma sighing is heard in the background.

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