✎ eleven ✐

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Taekook pov:

"so where's the store, exactly?"

they've been walking around the Main Street for half an hour now, scanning every store they pass by. but to no avail, the store is no where in sight.

"i remember it being on this street! when we drove to our hotel, it caught my attention.. it was right here!" tae points to a store that is actually an ice cream parlor.

the brunette bunny smiles cutely and claps excitedly, "ooh! ice cream! let's get some!" he begins to run to the doors, but the other holds him back with a frown.

"they replaced the FUCKING place with a stupid ice cream shop!"

jungkook backs away slightly as his friend starts to grow crazy and swings his arms all around, he screams angrily and cusses a couple times which causes a few passerby's to send him a glare.


"JUNGKOOKIE AGH!" he screams with rage.

kook gasps and covers his face, "bloody mary has possessed you! nooo! someone bring me holy water!!"

"CANT BELIEVE THEY TOOK DOWN THE GU- oh wait. it's right there.." he points over to a gucci store across the street. a giggle leaves his lips and he takes the younger's arm and drags him over to it.

the brunette is still shaken, "what even."


Namjin Pov:

"we have the kids gone, so it's just time for ourselves." namjoon smirks as he snakes an arm around the older's waist.

jin looks through the binoculars, "yeah yeah yeah whatever just give me the camera will ya?"

he frowns and hands over the camera, "you don't like me anymore do you.."

"pfft of course not," jin takes a picture of the city below them from the hill top they are on, he turns to face the pouty joon. "i actually love you~"

namjoon gasps like a little kid and his eyes widen, his cheeks go deep red, "really??"

the reaction makes the other adore him even more if possible, "of course pabo. you mean the absolute world to me!" he leans up and pecks his lips, but joon holds him there and deepens the kiss.

they stay against each other's lip for a minute or two before pulling away and leaning up on one another to just relax and enjoy the view below them.

"i love you too," namjoon finally says.


Yoonminseok Pov:

"uh hyung's? can i please skate by myself?"

both males are holding onto either hand of the mochi's as they skate around the ice rink. all three have on skates, scarfs, and mittens to keep them somewhat warm inside the cold building.

hoseok nods and let's go, "sorry.."

the other does the same, a look of embarrassment on his face as he digs his hands into his pockets.

jimin smiles sweetly and skates off swiftly, he does a spin and giggles while circling the place quite quickly. he's a fan of ice skating because of his friend taemin, who will sometimes invite him over to watch figure skating.

"thought you didn't like physical activities," hoseok inquires as he peers to the male next to him with annoyance. he crosses his arms and stands more closely to the edges so he won't fall.

yoongi holds back an eye roll, "and i thought you didn't like ice skating because you think it's a frilly sport." his lips curve into a deep frown.

the red head just huffs and picks up his pace, "i know you like jimin."

"so? what does that have to do with anything?"

the younger smirks, "it has to do with everything. besides, he likes me anyways."

"oh wow! should i present an award to you?? gold? silver? bronze?" yoongi replies sarcastically with a fake grin.

hoseok snarls and shoves him, "shut up you sneering pig!"

"don't be such a damn child you horse!" he shouts, shoving him back.

being called that nickname makes him even more irritated, he forcefully pushes yoongi with all his strength backwards.

"oof!" the pale boy falls back, he expects to hit the ice floor but instead falls onto something soft and warm. he gets up and looks down to see,


chim lays on the floor, his face scrunched up in pain while his arm lays in an awkward angle, "m-my arm... it hurts." he chokes out in agony and let's tears fall rapidly down his face.

a worker that seems to be there at the right moment, calls someone on her walkie talkie, then she bends down and helps up the injured boy, "don't worry, the ambulance will be here soon."

the two get off the ice rink, leaving behind a guilty looking yoongi and hoseok.

A/n: in this chap i included all the points of view instead of just jimin's because i wanted more added in and it's cool to see what all of them are doing, ya know? anyways, thanks for 500+ reads! it's sooo cool to see people take time to read my story. wah, all the love my beauties!

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