✎ fourteen ✐

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after many rounds of rock, paper, scissors; hoseok ended up winning the first date.

so that is what is happening right now, they agreed to meet up at the entrance of the build a bear workshop.

since it's a fun date, jimin three on some overalls with a white shirt, an innocent outfit.

it is 5 pm on the dot, so he walks over to the red head with a bashful smile, "hello hyung."

"ah! jiminie! hello!" he embraces him and pecks his cheek, "you look so cute!"

"whaaat? are you implying i never look cute?" chim teasingly giggles and pushes him softly.

the older just chuckles and pulls him inside the story, which is a bright yellow and stuffed animals are everywhere, "let's do this~"

both excitedly rush over to the section to pick out a bear, they decide on a fuzzy blue one.
next they put the stuffing into the bear, perhaps a little to much is put in.

jimin gushes at the chubby stuffed animal, "the bear is so soft and squishyyy."

hoseok pokes the others cheek, "like you~"

"agh, hyuuung." he whines, going red and laying his head against his dates shoulder.

they head onto the next part, the best part, the dressing up and customizing!

jimin takes lead in this section, he picks out a cute little outfit and puts it onto his bear, "i call her...midnight!"

"why midnight?"

he hugs the bear, "because she's a dark blue and her outfit is yellow. so it's like the colors of the midnight sky..."

"how are you so freaking precious?"

the mochi grows flushed, "w-what?" he is caught off guard by the sudden compliment and looks away. his cheeks red and his lips too, since he put on some lip tint for the date.

hoseok smirks and just pulls him to the check out section where he pays and then takes them out into the street, "where to go..." his attention flickers over to a guy playing the guitar and a woman singing on the side of the street. he gets an idea and gets closer to them, "let's dance."

"right now??"

"yup," before the younger could respond, he places his hands on either side of his waist and moves from side to side in a slow dance but upbeat way.

jimin smiles brightly and moves his hips while looking up at the other, he gets into the beat and laughs happily.

a few people have come over to listen or to watch the two males dance, some even clap along to the beat, as if to cheer them on.

it lasts for a couple minutes and they end it off with a spin and then a catch, their breathing comes out jaggedly but they still smile brightly. everyone claps and cheers.

"are you hungry?"


hoseok intertwines their fingers, "then let's get something to eat."

on their walk to the restaurant, a familiar face passes by, "oh! hello mr. park's!"

"hey doctor kungmin!" hoseok greets.

jimin pouts in confusion as they walk into the restaurant, "why'd he call us both mr.park?"

"uh.. i may have told him we are married.."

"oh my gosh, why would you even?"

hoseok sits down, "i know. if anything, we'd be mr.jung's." he winks hintingly at him.

"yah! stop making me flushed!" he whines, smacking him and covering his face with his mochi hand.

"sorry... so can we kiss now?"


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