✎ three ✐

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"have any 3's?"
"nope.. goldfish."
"you mean go fish?"
"yeah that."

the both of them are playing a round of card games as the others are in their own rooms doing whatever they want.

a small sad sigh leaves his lips, "jiminie?"

"yes kookie?"

his head tilts to the side as his brown eyes peer into the others, "do you think v hates me?"

jimin taps his chin in thought, he reaches down and pops a banana puff into his mouth, "no."

"... but he was mad when i didn't want his cooties on me."

the blonde giggles, "he was mad because he likes you."

a loud gasp erupts from him, "he likes me?!"

"mhm! tae tae likes kookie! tae tae likes kookie! kissy kissy! love love!" jimin taunts, causing his friend to whine and beg him to stop.

their attention adverts over to the door, they smile in unison as they see him.

"suga suga!"

jimin drops his cards and sprints over to his hyung, he lunges onto him and hugs him super duper tightly. even though they saw him a couple hours ago, he still missed him.

"hey sweet pea," yoongi greets as he fluffs the blonde hair. he looks at the brunette, "sup lil kook."

"suga suga! you won't believe it! tae tae likes kookie! he gave him kissy's!" jimin exclaims, tugging the older over to his friend who is sat on the bed with his cards still in hand.

a pink strikes his cheeks, "jiminie! it was suppose to be a secret!"

yoongi chuckles and places down the mochi onto his lap as he sits down on the bed.

so far, he's the only one that knows about jimin and jungkook being littles. he found out by walking in on both boys playing with toys while listening to some abc english song.

"how do you feel about that?"

he shrugs timidly, "i don't know."

silence fills the room, kook is shuffling through the different cards while jimin messes with the buttons on yoongi's shirt.

the older smiles fondly at chim, he can't help but find the younger to be so damn cute. he always found the male to be a cutie, but in his little space, he's super duper cuter.

"sweet pea,"

jimin looks up at him with his big brown eyes and slightly pouted lips, "yes suga suga?"

"you're cute."

he blushes deeply, his eyes turning to crescents as he places his hands against the elders chest. a bashful giggle makes his way out and he eventually digs his face into the others shirt. "sugaaa." he whines.

jungkook gags as he watches the two, a hint of jealousy in his eyes. he wishes someone would treat him like yoongi treats jimin. they aren't a couple, but yoongi is considered his caregiver, he also takes care of kook since the others don't know.

he wonders if yoongi knows about jimin liking hoseok. it's a secret that his busan friend made him keep, so he can't tell the elder or anyone else about it.

"i'm hungry.." the youngest comments.

"let me get you something from the kitchen," yoongi begins to stand up, but the younger holds him down.

he shakes his head, "i want to go to lotte's!"

lotte's is a restaurant with great food and a playground attached to the back. it's usually busy with kids and their parents.

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