✎ eight ✐

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"ow, what the-" yoongi opens his eyes to see an arm up against his face, another wrapped around his waist, and a face pressed against his chest. he removes the arm and glances down to see the face of a young mochi deep in sleep.

a feeling of butterflies erupts in his stomach, accompanied with a smile lifting up his lips. he leans down and presses his nose against the dongsaeng's hair. his eyes flitter closed again and he let's his breathing get slow.


hoseok runs over and jumps right smack dab onto the both of the boys, he squirms all around and smacks them with a pillow to wake them.

"aish.. get the fuck off!" yoongi groans as he tries to move away from the crazy male. his body rolls off the bed and slams down onto the wooden floor. he groans once again and lays crippled and cold.

the mochi wakes up from the sound of the slam and his hyung's loud yelling. he rubs his puffy eyes and sits up, "hoseokie?"

"hey chiminie! good morning!" the red head throws himself off the bed and walks over to the door, "both of you get ready and meet us down in the cafeteria for breakfast!" he opens the door and leaves.

jimin looks around for his other hyung, he doesn't spot him and assumes he's in the bathroom already. so he sits up onto his knees and takes off his shirt, then he slides off the side of the bed and takes off his sweats. he goes over to his luggage by the door and picks out an outfit to wear for rehearsal.

"coffee sounds so g- holy fuck!"

the younger turns around to see his hyung staring at his thighs with red cheeks, "why the heck are you on the floor?!" he tries to put back on his sweats while walking over to him.

"because hoseok's dumbass made me fall off the bed... can you please uh.. not come over to me while you are unclothed?"

he giggles and stops in his tracks, his eyebrows raise at the older, "why not? does hyung not like how i look?"

"not per say, you actually have an amazing body." yoongi admits, his face growing more hot as he tries to avoid eye contact, "it's just very.. unprofessional and stuff."

jimin laughs at this and lunges onto his lap, his bare thighs wrap around his hyung's waist and he clings onto his shirt with a crescent eye smile. "who's professional these days?"

ah good god, the older is beyond flushed at this point. his whole body is frozen at the contact of his thighs pressed tightly around his waist, "i-i don't know.."

"aww are you not feeling well? your face is so red and hot." chim presses his forehead against the others, he tries to take his temperature.

yoongi pushes himself a bit back, "err i'm okay.. don't worry." his eyes lower down to the others pink plump lips, he grows more red if possible. gosh, what he would do to just have one kiss.

"what's taking you guys so long?!" namjoon barges into the room with curlers in his hair. he stops and just eyes the two on the floor, a smirk comes onto his face. "did i interrupt something?"

the older just shakes his head and pushes the other off him, he stands up and snatches up his bag before locking himself in the bathroom.

"... sorry jiminie."

"for what?"

"interrupting and ruining the moment."

"moment? and hyung.. why the curlers?"

joon touches his hair, "because of a hairstyle i am pulling off today. anyways, get ready quickly and grab something to eat because we are off to rehearsal soon."

he nods in understandment and grabs up his bag, "can you uh.. give me some privacy?"

"oh! uh yeah! sorry." namjoon exits the room and closes the door behind him.

jimin holds up two pairs of pants, "should i go with pre ripped or white washed?" he shrugs and goes with joggers instead.

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