~ I ~

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Stumbling upon a clearing I come to a standstill and crumble to the floor in a sobbing heap.

A loud crack sounds behind me echoing throughout the clearing and drawing my attention to a dark figure stepping out of the tree lines shadow.

Rising quickly to my feet, I unsheathe my sword in a swift flick of my wrist, and shout across to the stranger's silhouette, "show yourself," as confidently as my sniffling form would allow me.

A young boy, around seventeen, emerged cautiously from the tree line with slow but steady steps. His blond hair blowing slightly in the wind, his eyes, a mossy brown, gaze softly into mine. Holding my gaze and raising his hands slightly, he comes closer.

"I'm unarmed," he states calmly as he approaches.

"Who are you?" I demand, speaking slowly and clearly.

"I'm..." he began.

I jolt awake, to find myself in my bedroom at Winterfell. The crackling fire is growing sparse, and the cold is starting to creep in.

After lying awake for some time, a loud knock sounds at my door.

"Come in" I say after rising from my bed and slipping on my robe.

Shortly after, the door snecks open and Jon walks in with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"What is it Jon?" I sigh. Jon soon joins me sitting by the window, watching the dire wolves stroll around.

"Woah, what's wrong Alynna?"

"It's nothing" I say glancing towards him. He only raises his eyebrows in question.

"Really, I'm fine. It's just a dream I had is all," I explain with a sigh.

Jon has always been able to read me like an open book. Usually I feel I can tell Jon everything and trust me I do, but this I just cannot bring myself to explain.

He may not be treat as my brother, but bastard or not as long as my father's blood runs through his veins he will be a brother to me.

Talking about my father, he called for me before breakfast and so I bid Jon goodbye and change into one of my best dresses. I have a feeling today is going to be an interesting day.

Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now