~ II ~

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After walking through the seemingly endless halls, I finally come to find myself outside my father's office. My nerves are rising higher, as is my hand as I gently knock on the large wooden door.

"Come in" a loud voice bellows from inside - my father.

I slowly step forwards into the room and am met by my father's waiting gaze. He looks stressed, like he needs to get something off of his chest.

"You called for me father?"

"Yes err.. take a seat Alynna. Please." He says rubbing his hands over his face and rising to his feet with a sigh.

"Tomorrow is a big day not only for Winterfell but for you too." He starts calmly and slowly.  I just nod, too nervous to trust my voice to form audible words.

"Tomorrow we will have a feast and you will meet your fiancé."

"Fiancé?" I gasp with a high squeal.  Tears start rolling down my face and all I can seem to say is "Who?"

"Viserys of House Targaryen."

I run out not waiting for an explanation and soon find myself in the woods.

I stop by the large weirwood tree situated in the godswood and crumble to the floor in a heap.

I lay there a while and find myself drifting off to sleep, my eyelids drooping and head resting on the trees roots.

Again I find myself running and sobbing. Once again stumbling upon the same clearing and coming to a stop, crumbling gently to the floor and sobbing - a dream.

A loud crack sounds behind me, echoing throughout the clearing and drawing my attention to a dark figure stepping out of the tree line's shadow.

I again rise quickly to my feet and unsheathe my sword swiftly, with practiced precision. I shout across to the silhouette.

"Show yourself" as confidently as I could, yet somehow less confident than before

A young boy- the same as before- emerged cautiously from behind the tree line with slow but steady steps. His blond hair blowing slightly in the wind, his eyes, a mossy brown, gaze once again softly into mine. Holding my gaze and raising his hands slightly, he comes closer.

"I'm unarmed," he repeats just like he had before.

"I know," I counter soflty.

He just nods and approaches again with a smile. Not a sinister one but a genuine smile.

"Who are you?" I ask once again, hoping this time for an answer.

"I'm..." he once again begins but this time he continues, "Jojen Reed" he says extending a hand for me to take.

Deciding he poses no immediate danger I put my sword back into its sheathe and take his hand in mine. His warmth floods me and his almost contagious smile finds it's mirror on my face.

"What's wrong?" he asks. After sitting in a comfortable silence for what seems like an eternity but was really only a couple minutes.

"Im to be married soon, to the heir of House Targaryen." I say, my eyes welling with tears.

"When?" He says softly.


Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now