~ III ~

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I awake to find Jon shaking me, worry evident on his pale features.

"You're awake" he sighs.

"Yeah, you can't get rid of me that easily Jon." I chuckle quietly to myself at his fading panic.

We slowly walk back towards Winterfell castle, out of the godswood and back to my quarters. I busy myself with making my bed and making sure there are no creases in the sheets. I am by no means a perfectionist but I'm doing all I can to take my mind off of tomorrow. Jon is still here, sat quietly by my window just staring. He was just as shocked as I was and still am.

"Thanks Jon." Although he may not have voiced his support I know it's there and I know he will back me tomorrow no matter what.

"For what?" he questions, his brows furrowing together in confusion.

"For being here, being you. You're the best brother I could ask for." I say sheepishly with a smile.

"Err.. no problem sis" he says, his voice cracking nervously as if he'd be locked away for even going to call me his sister.

♛A few hours later ♛

Not much interesting has happened today as I'm sure they are all preparing for tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be the biggest moment in my life and I'd have thought I would be more excited, yet all I'm filled with is worry and a sickening feeling rising from the pit of my stomach.

I'm now back in my quarters sat where Jon was only a few hours ago. The sun has now set and my bedroom is growing darker by the minute. I fumble my way across to my bed and slip silently under the soft fur sheets. Warmth creeps across my bare skin as I settle down for bed.

My eyelids grow heavier with each breath and by the time the darkness engulfed my quarters I had slipped away into a restless slumber. Awaking several times throughout the night my nerves growing stronger the closer I got towards dawn and my betrothal feast.

Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now