~ V ~

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Alvira and I are now sat staring out the window, watching all the guests arrive and flood into the hall after being greeted by my parents and siblings. I guess I should be there too but I managed to slip away before the majority of the guests started to arrive. 

Once everyone had filed into the hall I am called for by my parents and am escorted to the hall by two guards. They no doubt thought I would make a run for it but surprisingly I didn't. Its not like I want this to happen but I have been presented with no choice. I have to do this for Winterfell, to unite our houses and our people.

Finally reaching the halls entrance they stop and open the doors for me. The chatter I could hear outside silences as I enter the hall and walk towards the table at which my siblings are seated. Whispers erupt throughout the hall and everyone's necks are craned to look back towards the door as it opens and what happens next I was not expecting.

In he walks his blond hair and mossy brown eyes perfect as ever.

"Jojen" I breathe.

"What did you say?" My siblings whisper in chorus.

"Sshhhhh" I hush them and watch the two Reed children take their seats. I continue to watch Jojen as he accepts everyone's greetings and takes his seat. Now as I snap back to what's going on around me I hear the chorus of confusion coming from my siblings.

"They're the Reed children." Arya states.

"Why are they here?" She continues.

"They say no one can find them! They say it moves!" Arya whispers excitedly, much to Sansa's disgust. She is sat oogling her future fiancé no doubt.

"What does?" All but Sansa and I whisper curiously.

"The castle!" She smiles, glancing over to where my gaze lies.

"Alynna you're staring!" I hear Bran whisper as he elbows me in the ribs.

"Ouch!" I whisper shout back at him. "What did you..."

A tapping noise then caught everyone's attention - a toast.

"To the future Mr and Mrs Targaryen!" I needn't even tear my eyes from the food I am pushing aimlessly around the plate to recognise the voice giving the toast. The slight slurring and booming echo gives it away. King Robert, the slimy blithering fool and friend to my father, who is perched high up at the head table rather unsurprisingly clasping a goblet in his hand which sloshes its contents upon the table as he thrusts it high into the air, causing everyone around me to do so as well.

I feel a pair of eyes shooting sharp looks at me like the daggers Jon and I train with. Twisting around I meet the eyes of Viserys Targaryen who winks at me before smiling evilly and returning to his previous conversation with one of the drooling fools from his seemingly small entourage. Shortly after this I feel again as if some ones gaze rests on me, this time though I'm not met by the hard stares thrown my way by my fiancé or his companions but by someone I definitely wasn't expecting. Jojen.

However, by the time it registers in my mind and I unfreeze from my shock he has already turned around and risen from his seat as a chant rages throughout the undignified crowds of Winterfell and the other gathered houses. My eyes follow his retreating form as a thud informs me of a certain Targaryen who had taken a seat before me. I don't dare let my eyes leave the mysterious Reed boy as he leaves the hall stepping out into the courtyard and walking slowly away. A cold hand grabs mine and almost tugs me from my seat. I go to remove my gaze from Jojen but he slows so significantly I fear there may be something wrong. Frowning I watch as he falls into a heap on the dirt jolting about violently.

Finally removing my gaze I come face to face with an angry Viserys who's eyes were previously baring holes through my skull. Yanking my hand from his tight grip I stand abruptly which seems to anger him more if that were possible. Muttering an apology I stutter something about needing to use the bathroom and rush from the table scared that if I stayed any longer his lingering death glare might actually kill me.

Those around me are taken aback slightly with my sudden and unladylike movements but do not fail to congratulate me when I make my way past their tables. Lifting my dress slightly above my ankles I hurry through the hall which has never seemed so big. Upon reaching the door the guards look questioningly at my rushed gait and flushed appearance but nod respectfully as they open the heavy wooden doors and let me into the courtyard where I can finally break into a run, unseen by the guests who remain cooped up in the grand hall clueless to the panicked Stark and fallen Reed laying outside.

Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now