~ IV ~

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The sunlight now streams eagerly through the window of my quarters and I'm woken by Alvira my dire wolf jumping onto my bed and laying on top of me, waiting no doubt for me to get up.

Lifting my head off of my pillow I'm met by Alvira's face staring directly down at me.

"Morning Alvira" I grumble quietly.

Not expecting a reply I roll from under her and get up from my bed. She sits up and barks at me as if replying to my earlier greeting. Chuckling to myself I slip on my best dress and prepare myself - as much as you can - for my betrothal feast.

Left alone with my thoughts for a while they swarm violently around my head creating way too many alternatives to what could ultimately happen due to my betrothal to the Targaryen heir.

Finally getting up I hurry outside not bothering to head towards the bustling hall for breakfast. I had grabbed my sword as I left and so I head instead towards the sound of clanging metal, only to find Jon swinging his sword repeatedly at the training dummy. I decided to just watch for a while and as his swings become restless I approach slowly and quietly.

As he goes to swing his sword once again at the poor stuffed sac, I take my opportunity and swing my sword around just as I swipe his legs from under him and place my sword to his neck. He is left looking up at me, a shocked expression filling his features and his mouth left slightly agape.

"Not bad Alynna" he says confused as to what had just happened. "You're light on your feet I'll give you that!" He chuckles at his predicament.

"You shouldn't leave yourself so open, be aware of your surroundings!" I say repeating the words he has repeated to me endless times over the years. Jon has always helped even when father and mother said otherwise. His excuse was that one day I would need to defend myself and wouldn't be able to, father agreed with this, much to Catelyn's disgust. 'That is no way for a lady to behave' she would say repeatedly but to know luck as I continued with my training anyway.

By the time I had removed my sword from Jon's neck and stepped back to help him up from the ground, I became aware of a strange presence behind me. I turn slowly to look but there's no one there. I turn back to Jon and see he is now also looking behind me however this time when I turn I see that some of the guests had started arriving. Although I didn't actually get a chance to see who, as my mother stepped out of the hall and came rushing toward me and Jon.

"Alynna that's no way to greet guests! Put it away!" She whisper shouts from beside me whilst smiling towards the direction the guests are arriving in and hurrying off to greet them.

Turning and heading away from them I stash my sword in a hollowed out tree and go to find Alvira. Although she cannot voice her thoughts I know she will calm me down and as the feast is growing nearer and the guests are arriving I think I'm gonna need it.

Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now